Chapter 13

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The following weeks Amelia kept an eye on Kyoya. She wasn't sure what he was doing, but she knew there was something going on. During those weeks, it seemed like it took him longer to get home, but it was never more than an hour. She had tried to ask him about what was going on, but Kyoya would just brush it aside and say that he stayed longer after the host club so that he could work on the finances in peace. When Amelia asked him why he didn't just work on it at home, he told her that he wanted all of his time to be dedicated to her.

That didn't sit well with Amelia. She didn't quite believe that, that's what he was doing but she had no proof. Eventually she dropped the issue and stopped bringing it up. The situation only upset her.

The day was April 23rd, Amelia was currently sitting in the baby's nursery. She had decided to do a Fairytale theme. On one wall was Alice and wonderland. The caterpillar sitting on a mushroom was the largest on the wall, followed by the Cheshire cat sitting in a tree on the edge, near one of the corners of the room. Between the two of those was a wooded area, with a path leading to the forest. The two walls that touched the Alice themed wall were painted a plain navy blue, and the one across from it was painted turquoise with bubbles floating to the top. The flooring was a white wood, covered with a forest green rug and a white crib on either side. The other furniture was white as well, including the rocking chair that she was currently sitting in.

Amelia had been sitting in the room for about an hour now. She had woken up at three in the morning with heartburn. She had spoken with the doctor on her last visit, and because of Amelia's family having a history of miscarriages and breech babies, she may have to go on bed rest in the next few weeks. She was not looking forward to that. She was only 20 weeks along, but her stomach was growing rapidly. The twins were boys, which she had also learned at her last doctor's appointment. Kyoya was ecstatic, they both were, but Kyoya more so because he would have heirs.

As she sat there, thinking of the next few weeks and what it was going to be like, Kyoya entered the room. He stood there silently, watching her as she continued to stare at the wall and rub her belly. When Amelia finally noticed he was there, she smiled at him.

"Come over here." She called. So Kyoya did. When he stood in front of her, she held out her hand, Kyoya assumed she was asking him to help her up. But instead, she placed his hand on her stomach. "They're kicking."

"Are you ready for these babies?" Amelia asked quietly.

"Not at all, but I'm prepared to deal with fatherhood as it arrives. I will admit to being nervous however." Amelia smiled at him.

"You'll be a wonderful father. You'll be strict but kind, and teach them respect, and the proper way to treat a lady." She nudged Kyoya in the side, after he helped her up. "And I'm sure the host club will be in their lives as well. Hikaru and Kaoru will teach them to be mischievous, Huni and Mori can teach them martial arts. And of course, Tamaki can teach them how to be a gentleman. The twins will be loved." They had started walking towards the bedroom. They both laid in bed and Amelia laid her head on Kyoya's chest. "You'll be a great father, and we'll have plenty of people to help us."

Two months had passed, and Amelia was currently walking to the band hall after school. When she arrived the band director walked up to her.

"Aren't you supposed to be on bed rest?"

"The doctor said I don't have to start for another two weeks. I'm just trying to get as much school done as I can before I'm not able to anymore." Amelia grabbed a nearby chair and sat down. "I'll be okay. I take lots of breaks and drink plenty of water."

Akiko walked up next, looking at Amelia's large belly. "Can I feel?" She asked timidly.

"Sure, they've been kicking a lot lately. It's really putting some damage on my insides." Amelia said as she watched Akiko gently touch her belly. The babies started kicking and she watched as Akiko's eyes lit up. Then she heard whispering and looked around. There was a group of about four people looking at her and whispering to each other. Amelia knew that it was about her and the pregnancy. Because the school was targeted towards the wealthy, pregnancies in highschool were almost unheard of, in fear of being disowned by their parents.

Amelia started thinking more on the subject. If pregnancies were almost unheard of, she wondered if cheating was uncommon. Probably not since most people are in arranged marriages, mostly against their will. Amelia didn't like the idea of people cheating on each other. It hurt her heart. For her, even if people are forced to be together, they should at least treat each other like human beings.

Amelia sat there thinking about the subject for a few more minutes while Akiko rubbed her belly, trying to get the babies to kick more. Her phone rang, waking her from the trance she was in. Akiko had left about ten minutes ago, and it was Kyoya calling.


"It's time to go home, the car is here."

"I'll be right down." Amelia hung up, picked up her backpack and headed to the front of the school. Kyoya opened up the door for her and they both got in. On the way to the house, they passed a mansion that was in the process of being built, the outside walls hadn't been painted and the yard was still torn up with tracks from the excavators and dump trucks. "I wonder whose house that is?"

"I have no idea, but it does look nice." Kyoya said, smiling. He placed a hand on Amelia's knee, rubbing his thumb against her leg. Amelia looked out the window, thinking about what was to come. The babies would be due soon and she would have to go on bed rest soon, which she wasn't looking forward to. Having to roam about the house with not much to do besides a few assignments that the teacher had agreed to give her.

Her mind wandered to thinking about how much time Kyoya would be spending with her. A couple days a week, Kyoya would be late getting home, leaving Amelia to go home by herself. He said it was related to club activities and finances. But Amelia knew better, she had talked to Tamaki, he said that they all left together on those days. She had an idea of what was going on but she couldn't be sure, not until there was solid proof. Amelia didn't want to cause a scene so close to the children's birth without having the proof she needed. She had heard the conversation between Tamaki and Kyoya, but she knew that he would deny it.

"Amelia, can you hear me?" Kyoya asked, waking Amelia from her thought trance.

"Sorry, I must have been spaced out." She grabbed his hand as she got out. "I'm ready for a nap."

"You can take one as soon as you're inside." Amelia went inside the house and laid on the couch in Kyoya's room.

It was a beautiful day, no clouds and a slight breeze in the air, Amelia stood in an open field, her white sundress blowing with the wind. As she looked around, studying her surroundings, the weather started changing, the sky turned dark, clouds swirling in the sky. Suddenly, a lightning bolt struck the earth, and the thunder shook the ground, then a piercing pain came from Amelia's abdomen. When she looked down, her dress was covered in red, and a small arm was sticking out. Then another came out, and another, until four little arms were poking out. Amelia screamed in pain as a baby's head emerged as well. Everything then turned black, and she was spiraling into a bottomless pit.

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