Chapter 7

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A few weeks had passed since the beach and it was currently spring break. Amelia wanted to go to a park that Kyoya and her could ride bikes and hike. When Kyoya arrived, they ate lunch while talking about what the park would be like.

"I've been there a couple of times before, but it's been awhile. There are tons of bike trails that would be nice to go through. But I warn you, there could be alligators on the trails so we have to be careful." She said, finishing up her food.

"I don't mind riding bikes, but there's one slight problem, I don't own one."

"Oh, that's not a problem, we have plenty you could choose from." Amelia showed him where her family kept all the bikes. There are three mountain bikes, one white, one purple, and one dark blue. There were also two BMX bikes.

"So, you want the purple one right?" Amelia says, joking with Kyoya and he smiled.

"Of course, purple is my color." Kyoya pulls out a purple rose practically out of nowhere.

"Where the hell did that come from?"

"It's a secret." Kyoya took the purple bike and she grabbed the white one. They loaded up the bikes and headed to the park. There were already a lot of people there by the time they arrived. Amelia pulled out a map and pointed at the trail they were closest too.

"Okay, in a moment, we will go down this one, go around the forty acre lake, and come back up this path so we can go down this one." Amelia pointed to the trail and ran her finger around it so Kyoya could follow what she was talking about. "But first, we are going into the welcome center."

"For what?"

"You'll see, you might enjoy it." They walked into the small building. There was a little gift shop on the left and a viewing counter on the right. The room split into two sections. The first section had a few dead animals that have been stuffed as well as animal bones and snake skins. Amelia walked into the room, Kyoya on her right. On the right of Kyoya were little terrariums with live spiders in it. When he realized this, he took a step closer to Amelia. Then Kyoya noticed the snakes and stood behind her.

"Come on you scaredy cat." Amelia grabbed his hand and pulled him into the next room. There were pictures on the walls of animals as well as facts about them as well as the history about the park itself. They entered the next room and hanging in the corner of the room were turkeys, quals, pheasants, raccoons, and bobcats. All of the animals were placed strategically to form a mural of stuffed animals. Kyoya and Amelia rounded the corner and were met with a seven-foot long alligator skeleton. About three feet away, sitting next to a tank of baby alligators, was a lady holding one. As they walked closer to the lady, Kyoya tried stopping her.

"Don't be such a wuss, the baby is harmless." Amelia pulled him closer. She petted the baby and Kyoya was yelling at her to not touch it. Amelia gave the lady a look and shook her head and pointed behind her. "Rich people am I right?" She pulled on his hand and made him touch the alligator. "See it's not too bad."

"I'd still prefer to not be touching it."

After a few moments, they made their way down the trail, but first they had to go down a big hill. Amelia rode down it on her bike at full speed while Kyoya walked down with the bike. They rode for half a mile before making it to the lake. As they made it down the trail, Amelia noticed an alligator, about six foot long, laying in the path. She then got off the bike and started making her way towards it.

"Amelia, don't you dare!" Kyoya yelled from a safe distance.

"Don't I dare do what?" Amelia squatted about a foot away from the alligator, a smile on her face.

"Don't you dare touch that alligator!"

"I don't know what you are talking about." She reached out and touched the alligator while still looking at Kyoya. "Take a picture."

"No, I don't think so now move away from that thing."

"Take a picture and I won't touch any other alligators that we find." Kyoya made an angry face before pulling out his phone and taking a picture of her. When she got up, there were black spots coming into her vision. Amelia blinked them away and got on the bike. They made it halfway around the lake before she started seeing black spots again, soon it became tunnel vision. Amelia slowed her peddling then began feeling herself falling, but unable to catch herself.

Amelia woke up and she was no longer in the park. When she took a look around, she realized that it was a hospital room. Amelia lifted her arms to rub her face, but something stopped her from doing so. She looked at her arm and saw a needle in her hand and one in the crease of her arm. Following the tubes upwards, Amelia saw that one was a bag of fluids and the other was a bag of blood.

"Oh, you're awake now, that's good." She looked over and saw Tamaki sitting next to the bed. "You know, Kyoya was worried sick about you, he thought you were going to die. It sure was a sight, too bad you couldn't see it-"

"Good you're awake. What happened back there?" Kyoya stood in front of the bed and folded his arms, giving her a stern look.

"I'm not sure, I remember seeing black spots and falling, but I don't remember what happened afterwards." Kyoya crossed his arms at her response.

"Amelia Diane Jones." He said sternly and Tamaki got up and left the room. He was using her full name, so they, Tamaki and Amelia, knew Kyoya was pissed off. "That is not what the nurses informed me of. It says on your medical records that you knew about the anemia, and that it was so severe that you needed to come and get a blood transfusion weekly. Why haven't you been doing that?"

"I'm really sorry Kyoya. I've been feeling better the last few months so I stopped coming up here. I didn't think it was getting bad again when I still felt normal."

Kyoya let out a sigh and pushed up his glasses. "Why don't you get some more sleep, they aren't letting you leave until both bags are empty."

Amelia laid down, and about half an hour later, she finally fell asleep.

Two little kids were running around a large, neatly trimmed yard, chasing each other with large smiles on their faces.

"Let's play hide and seek Kyoya!" A small girl with large hazel eyes said from across the yard. "You're it!" She then ran to find a place to hide and Kyoya turned to a tree and started counting. After he counted to ten he walked in the direction that the girl ran off in. Little did he know that the girl had hid right behind the tree that he was counting at. The girl sat down and waited and waited but the boy did not come back. She got up and went to look for him but even after two hours she could not find him. The little girl ran into the house and went crying to Kyoya's mother. "Momma, I can't find Kyoya and I'm worried about him."

"What do you think happened to him?" The mother asked calmly.

"I don't know. We were playing hide and seek and he went to find me but I was hiding behind the tree where he was counting and he went to look for me. So I sat there and waited but he never came so I went looking for him but I couldn't find him!" The mother just smiled then looked past the child. The little girl looked behind her and saw Kyoya. She ran to him and embraced him with a big hug. "Kyoya I was so worried!" She sobs, crying on his shoulder. The little boy pulls out a handkerchief and wipes her tears away.

"It's not fit for a beautiful young girl to have puffy eyes and a runny nose." She smiles and hugs him once again. "Do you want to know a secret that might make you feel better?" Kyoya asked, and the girl nodded her head. He leaned in close and whispered in her ear. "Amelia, one day I'm going to make you my wife.

When Amelia woke up, Kyoya was sitting next to her in the chair Tamaki had previously been in. She watched as he turned the page in the book he was reading. His focus intense, yet alert at the same time.

"Kyoya." She whispered. He looked startled for a minute before smiling.


"I love you."

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