Chapter 16

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It's the middle of September and the twins are now over a month old, Kyoya and Amelia were standing in his room having an argument.

"I need your help with them, Kyoya! Have you at least arranged for someone to come help?"

"I know you need my help, which is why I'm having your sister come over." Kyoya said, wheeling his suitcase over to the door. "Father said this will help me get into the medical business, I have to do this to insure our future."

"But why didn't you give me any notice about this? You must have known about this in advance, so why couldn't you have told me?" Amelia yelled from the couch, she was surrounded by baby blankets, diapers, and binkies.

"It slipped my mind until yesterday when he reminded me." Kyoya walked over to the couch and placed a kiss on Amelia's forehead. "I'll see you in two weeks, and I'll text you every day."

Kyoya left shortly after, and Amelia just sat there in silent rage. They had been having more and more arguments lately and he was keeping more secrets from her. Getting her own place was sounding more and more like a better option. If he couldn't have the courtesy to tell her about the two-week trip, then things would only get worse.

Amelia got up suddenly, grabbed the baby monitor and headed to the music room of the house. She walked up the piano, deciding on if she wanted to play it or her saxophone. She decided on her saxophone this time, picking it up, she stood there focusing her emotions into what she was going to play. Amelia closed her eyes, took a deep breath and then let loose. Not using any sheet music, she played the most sorrowful and angry but beautiful sounding music she had played in a long time.

When she finished, Amelia checked the baby monitor and saw that Hiroshi and Hayate were still asleep. So, she walked to the kitchen to grab a cup of coffee to bring back into Kyoya's room. She thought about the good times her and Kyoya had together on the days they weren't fighting. They would sit together and talk about anything or just sit quietly while doing homework or reading. Those were the days that Amelia longed for. The days where everything was peaceful and filled with love. But nothing could stay the same, she would have to make a decision in the next couple of months. Getting married wasn't to be taken lightly and she didn't want to go through with it if it meant they were going to fight every other day.

Lesly showed up that evening with a bag so she could stay with Amelia. The rest of the day went by pretty fast and when she went to bed, she felt lonely. There was no one to keep her warm at night or to cuddle her and she felt sad. Later that night Hiroshi and Hayate woke up Amelia and then kept her up for the rest of the night.

The two weeks went by really slowly and Amelia was running on four hours of sleep a day. Lesly offered to watch the twins while she took a nap, but she declined, not wanting Lesly to be on her own. Kyoya did keep his promise and texted her every day, but it wasn't much, just checking in on her and the twins and then she wouldn't hear from him until the next day.

The day that Kyoya was due back, Amelia and Lesly were sitting in the living room with the twins laying on a playmat on the floor. The front door opened, and they could hear Kyoya and Yoshio talking.

"Amelia, we're back!" Kyoya called.

"We're in the living room!" Amelia answered as she played with the twins. Kyoya walked into the room and sat on the floor next to Amelia, then placed a kiss on her temple.

"How's everything been?" He asked, picking up Hayate.

"Not bad I guess, Lesly being here really helped, but I could really use a me day."

"We'll plan one for this weekend." Kyoya held Hayate close and kissed his forehead, then leaned over slightly and kissed Hiroshi's forehead. "Do you know what you would like to do for your me day?"

"I'm not completely sure, but I would like to sleep as much as possible and maybe get pampered a little."

"I believe that can be arranged."

When the weekend came, Amelia gave the twins lots of love while she got ready to leave for the day. Kyoya had purchased her a hotel room that was right down the road along with a trip to a high-class spa.

She was slightly sad leaving the twins behind for the day, but she knew it was for the best. Before she could change her mind, Amelia walked out the front door with her small care bag and got into the car. She arrived at the spa first. She wasn't sure what Kyoya had booked, but she was assuming it was something very luxurious as the attendant took her to a private room. The room was fairly large, with a masseuse table next to a small pit filled with rocks. In the corner there was a folding screen that was decorated in flowers, a robe hung off the corner.

The attendant told her to get changed into the robe, either completely naked or with her underwear on, whatever made her comfortable, then to sit on the table. When Ameli was done, the attendant helped her lay face down before pouring water on the rocks in the pit, creating a heavy cloud of steam and dimming the lights. Before leaving the room, she let Amelia know that the masseuse would be in here in just a moment.

When the masseuse arrived, she poured more water onto the rocks then helped Amelia lower her robe so that it was covering her waist down. After pouring lavender scented massage oil on her back, Amelia received the most relaxing yet intense massage she had ever received. The masseuse worked out all of the knots in her back before working on the thighs and calves. Amelia was almost asleep when the masseuse finished and let her know to slowly get up, fix her robe and then follow her into the next room.

The next few hours went by fast as Amelia received a facial, manicure and pedicure then afterwards had her hair shampooed, cut, and styled. The attendant before came to collect her and let her know that she was free to go, that everything had been paid in advance and thanked Amelia for her business.

At the hotel, Amelia collapsed into the bed, feeling so much more relaxed and looser than she had before. Cuddling under the blanket, she fell asleep, enjoying the plush mattress and extra cold room. The next morning, she headed back to the house, feeling refreshed and ready to see her babies.

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