Chapter 8

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Later in the day, after being released to the hospital, Kyoya and Amelia made their way to the Ootori residency.They had made it just in time for dinner.

She ate dinner with Kyoya, his siblings and father. None of them brought up the hospital visit, knowing that Kyoya had already handled the situation. When they were done, Amelia got changed into one of Kyoya's shirts and sweatpants, having decided to lay in bed trying to sleep for the night.

Amelia sat there practicing her saxophone, the sound resonating off the walls, making it even louder. Her tutor sat next to her, explaining how the next part should go. Unknowingly to Amelia, Kyoya walked in during her playing and stood off to the side listening.

"You sound awful." He said and she pulled the mouthpiece out of her mouth, causing it to squeak.

"You're not very nice! Just you wait, I'll be famous one day and you'll regret your words." Kyoya started laughing, he couldn't imagine her becoming famous.

"You won't be famous if you sound like that." He replied, referring to the squeak. The tutor sat there, amused by the kids bickering.

"Now children, there's no need for arguing. Amelia is an exceptional player for her age."

"If she's so good let's hear her play something." Kyoya said in a matter-of-factly tone. Amelia looked over to her tutor and he nodded his head so she began playing the song she was currently learning. With enough determination, she could play like she years of experience. Once finished, Kyoya pushed up his glasses, using the reflection to shield his eyes.

"Believe me now?" Amelia said with a big smile, obviously pleased with the results of her playing.

"No you still suck." He smiled back then hugged her from behind, leaning over the back of her chair to do so. "I'm just kidding," He whispered "I love you." His arms then disappeared from around Amelia's shoulder and when she turned around, he was gone. Amelia looked over at her tutor and he just smiled. The tutor was pleased with the performance given and decided to call it a day.

"Go get him, lessons are over for now." Amelia laid her instrument on the floor and ran off after Kyoya.

Amelia woke up, head fuzzy, and hardly able to stand. It was just after nine based on the clock hanging on the wall. After looking around for a moment, she realized that Kyoya still hadn't come to bed. Slowly, she walked out into the living room, only to see Fuyumi sitting there reading a book. Then she made her way out into the garden where Kyoya does homework and finances on occasion. He wasn't out there either. So the last place to look was his study. Sure enough, Kyoya was asleep, head on the desk, and a bit of drool falling on the table.

Amelia stood there for a moment, watching the drool run down his face, before taking a quick picture and shaking him awake. After a moment they both walked back to his room and slept soundly.

A few days have passed, Amelia is currently in the band hall talking to her classmate Akiko, about the music they are learning in class.

"Have you memorized the muOOHHsic?" Amelia asked as a pair of arms wrapped around her waist. When she looked over her shoulder, Kyoya was smirking at her.

"Terribly sorry for interrupting but I need her for a few minutes." Akiko gave him a smile before walking off to talk to other band members. Kyoya pulled her out into the hallway and pushed her against the wall.

"Geez Kyoya, what was that for?" Kyoya then kisses her lightly, he does it multiple times until she grabs his tie and makes him kiss her full on. "What kind of kisses are those, give me a real one."

"The limo is outside."

"You know, as much as I appreciate the kisses, you could have called me and I would have met you outside." They walked down the hallway, hand in hand. There weren't very many people left in the school, but the people that were there, were staring at the couple. "Why are they staring at us?"

"Because of me, since I'm so popular and all." Kyoya smiled at Amelia, making a joke.

"You aren't as popular as you think." She mumbled and Kyoya shrugged his shoulders. He gave her a ride home and they made small talk, starting off with how school was and making their way to the future. Before Amelia could get out of the car, she stopped and asked him a question. "How many kids do you want?"

It has been about a week since Kyoya had answered that question. And since then, they started spending more time together. When Kyoya was at the host club, Amelia would join him after band practice, and would sometimes even leave early so she would have more time with him. Oftentimes she would fall asleep at his table, listening to his soothing voice, her dreams would consist of him and the future.

When Kyoya had given her an answer, it took her by surprise. It was kind of odd that he wants that many kids. Even if he never became the heir, he would still be financially stable enough to raise seven kids. Amelia grew up with a semi-large family but seven is a lot of mouths to feed.

Another three weeks had passed, Kyoya and Amelia had talked a lot about what would happen during the future. They had even come up with a few baby names, but she argued with him about the number of kids. The more Amelia thought about having seven kids, the more she feared childbirth. She was hoping that as time went on, they wouldn't actually have seven little Kyoya's running around. They had disagreed and argued, but he assured her multiple times that seven was the max amount of kids he would be willing to have, so she would most likely only have three to four. This calmed her a little, but she still couldn't help thinking about the painful childbirth happening over and over again.

The day following a particularly nasty argument, Amelia sat at Kyoya's hosting table, reading a book. Something sparked an idea, which made her smile widely at Kyoya. When Kyoya noticed, he raised an eyebrow at her, eyes not leaving the computer.

"What is it dear?" Kyoya continued to type in a bored fashion.

"I have an idea." She scooted her chair closer to his and smiled wider.

"This can't possibly be good, but go ahead tell me anyways."

"What if the host club went camping." Amelia said enthusiastically, it was a really good idea, although with them being rich people it would be troublesome when it came to actually doing stuff at the campsite.

"That's a great idea my princess,"Tamaki says as he walks up to them. She could only assume that he heard everything. Tamaki sat down and they started talking about how things would go and what would happen. Kyoya had mentioned that none of them had been camping before, to which she replied 'I have been camping many times so I know how to do stuff.' That was enough to convince him because he didn't bring it up again.

When Tamaki left, Amelia whispered something into Kyoya's ear to which he eagerly agreed. This was going to be a fun weekend.

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