Chapter 5

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It was getting late and the guests started leaving. Kyoya and Amelia were currently sitting on the couch watching a movie when she started to fall asleep. It took all of her effort to stay away, Kyoya nudging me her every once in awhile trying to keep her awake. But it wasn't working.

"Why don't you call your mother and ask to stay the night over here? It'll be a much hassle for them to come and get you, and the driver is asleep right now." Kyoya said, rubbing her back.

"I don't think she'll care, she probably hasn't noticed that I've been gone all day."

"Suite yourself." Kyoya stood up and pulled Amelia with him. They headed to Kyoya's room, where he handed her one is his shirts and some shorts. When she changed, AMelia crawled into Kyoya's bed and got under the covers.

"I'm going to bed now." She said as she drifted off to sleep, Kyoya joined her soon after.

The next morning, Amelia could smell coffee and food in the air. She sat up in bed after a moment and rubbed her eyes. Afterwards she walked into the dinning room, Kyoya and father were already sitting there, dressed and ready for the day.

"I told you the smell of coffee would wake her up, she hasn't changed at all." Kyoya said to his father. Amelia made herself a cup of coffee and sat at the table as well.

"Amelia, do you remember the previous arrangement we had?" Amelia nodded her head. "I've talked to your mother and we both agreed to renew the marriage agreement. You and Kyoya will be married after you graduate high school. Is that ok with you?"

"Of course it is. Kyoya and I discussed it recently and I have no problem with renewing it." Father had a slight smile on his face.

"That's good. Now I must be off, I have some business to attend to." Father placed his napkin on the table and left the room, leaving the two in silence for the moment.

"I have something for you." Kyoya spoke, then standing and indicating that Amelia follow. They arrived at Kyoya's room and inside, sitting on the table, were three boxes. "One is from father, the other two are from me."

Amelia opened the box from father and saw that I was the floral dress from yesterday. The next box was the red formal dress from yesterday. The last box was the sunflower bathing suit.

"You didn't have to do all of this Kyoya." She said, putting the lids back on the boxes.

"But I wanted to. Why don't you put on the swim suit, and we'll go swimming."

"Really? Okay!" Amelia went and change, but when she looked into Kyoya's room, he wasn't there. The next place she looked was the pool, he wasn't there either. Deciding to just wait for him, Amelia stood on the diving board and looked at the pool. The shallow end was about twenty-five meters away from where she was standing. The deep end of the pool went about twelve feet down. As she was getting lost in thought, Kyoya snuck up behind her and pushed Amelia in. The next thing she knew, she was on the bottom of the pool. Amelia quickly swam upwards so she could catch her breathe. Kyoya was chuckling to himself when she made to the edge.

"Kyoya that's not funny! I could have drowned!"

"But you didn't, and even if you did, I would jump in and rescue you." Kyoya held out his hand so she could get out of the pool, however, when she grabbed his hand, Amelia pulled him in too. When Kyoya came up to the surface, she was the one doing the laughing. He ignored her and swam his way to the ladder, then getting out to take off his soaking wet shirt and glasses.

"Not so fun when it's the other way around is it?" She teased.

"Not at all but it's not going to stop me from doing it anyways."

Kyoya reentered the water and they spent the next few hours swimming and playing around. They talked a lot while emerged in water, mostly about the marriage agreement and what things would be like after high school. After another half an hour, the two of them exited the pool to sit on the patio chairs to dry off.

"You know, if you don't want to marry me, you could always marry Tamaki." Kyoya said nonchalantly. Amelia gave him a 'seriously' look.

"I'm pretty positive he has a thing for Haruhi. Besides, I'd rather marry my best friend than some flamboyant, hyper-active man." Amelia replied, crossing her arms. Kyoya smiled at her fondly, pleased with her answer. She let out a yawn and leaned back on the chair.

"Are you bored or just tire?"

"If I was bored I would have told you. We've been out here for quite some time."

"Would you like to go inside?"

"Yes please." They both got up and started to walk towards the door. Kyoya, who was walking next to the pool was pushed in once again, soaking his shirt, and his towel, and him in general. As soon as he was out of the pool and on land he chased her all the way to his room. Amelia proceeded to lock him out and got dressed while listening to him pleading to be let in. When she finally let him in, there was a puddle of water in the hallway and a trail that led to the patio doors.

After he was dressed, they enjoyed a fabulous lunch prepared by the chef and spent the rest of the day reading and talking, while cuddling on the couch.

The next morning, Amelia was awoken to whispers and no coffee. She sat up to see what the whispers were all about and realized there were five early birds standing there. When they realized she was sitting up, the whispers stopped. Amelia decided to ignore them and lay back down, four of the five people chose to ignore the memo she was giving and continued to whisper about awakening the shadow king.

'There's no way they could be talking about Kyoya,' she thought, trying to fall back asleep. 'He was easy to wake up when we kids.' The whispers only got loudly as they ignored them trying to sleep. After a moment Amelia sat up again and sent them a glare.

"Didn't your parents teach you to have even a sliver of common courtesy for other people? Do you even respect the fact that other people need more sleep or that they could not be morning people? And to top it off, you didn't even bring coffee to make the waking up process either. Now, leave the room and come back in a while with coffee and some sort of protection, as I might not be so nice next time. Now fuck off." The host club then quietly and quickly left the room, not saying a word in return. When Amelia laid back down, Kyoya was looking at her and smiling.

"Remind me to bring you coffee whenever I have to wake you up early." He said, then kissing her forehead.

"I'll wake up anytime for you." The both of them fell asleep, being left alone for about two hours. When she opened her eyes next, Hani was standing there holding a cup of coffee out to her.

"We brought you coffee this time, Amelia." Hani stated, putting the coffee in her hands and taking a few steps backwards. Amelia assumed they sent Hani in because he looked like a child, cute and innocent. But she knew his real power, while she admired their plan, she'd never lay a hand on him.

Amelia felt a shift next to her and saw that Kyoya had decided to get up as well.

"What do you want, Tamaki?" He asked, putting on his glasses.

"We want to go to the beach." Tamaki replied, looking meek.

"Haruhi and Kayla are already on the way to the beach.." The twins said this time. When Amelia and Kyoya agreed to go, they were dragged to the car so they couldn't run off or change their minds.

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