Chapter 1

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"This school looks a lot bigger up close." She thought to herself as she entered the doors to Ouran Academy. This is Amelia Vlockter, she's a second year just starting at Ouran. "I've seen it from the road, but up close, it's like three times bigger."

As she was walking in, Amelia saw him. Kyoya Ootori. Like a blast from the past. His looks had not changed all these years, he was still as handsome as the day she last saw him.

As she was watching him talk to a blonde boy, Amelia ever so gracefully, ran into a giant pillar. Having dropped her school bag and saying a naughty word really loudly, Kyoya looked over and saw her standing there with her hands on her face. As he walked closer, it became more obvious that this was his childhood friend.

"Are you alright Amelia?" He asked, putting a hand on her shoulder?

"Oh, hey, I didn't see you there." She tried playing off the fact that she just ran her face into a big slab of marble. "I'm totally fine, what would give you the idea that I was hurt?"

"I couldn't help but notice that you were holding your face and standing next to the pillar." Kyoya gave her knowing smirk.

"Ok, you got me there." Amelia picked up her school bag and then looked back at Kyoya. "Would you kindly show me the way to my first class?"

"Gladly, but let's go get some ice first, your face is looking a little red. We wouldn't want it to bruise now would we?"

"I suppose not."

Together they walked to the nurse's office and made small talk. Even after all these years, he hadn't changed a bit. Kyoya was still the smart, handsome man, who tried to impress everyone.

"I have a question for you." Kyoya asked with a serious look on his face.

"It's about why I quit, isn't it?" Amelia was a professional when it came to playing the saxophone. She was a child prodigy that could play any piece that was set in front of her. Amelia went on tours and did private performances for many of the rich folks around the world, including some that sent their kids to Ouran. Most of the money she earned would go towards helping her family and to charities, but she kept a small portion and put it in a bank out that she had access to. However, she quit playing after an event happened while she was recording a CD.

A group of large men had broken into the studio, took out all of the security and bodyguards, and broke into the room Amelia was in. She was bound and almost kidnapped. But before the men could leave with her, the Ootori's secret police came in and saved her. By the time they had come in, she was all banged up, with scratches on her arms and face, and bruises were starting to form on her face, arms, and torso.

"Why did you quit? The music you played was beautiful."

"I was afraid it was going to happen again. I know it sounds stupid, but I can't help but to feel that way. I don't want to become famous again, only to have the public lose my music again. I know people still like it, we released what we did have of the CD since it was almost completed, and people are still buying them to this day. I just don't want another event like that to happen." They sat in silence for a few moments before Amelia spoke up again. "Aren't we late to first period?"

"It's second period now, but we'll get you a note from the nurse and I'll walk you to class." Amelia grabbed the note from the nurse and they started walking across the academy. When they reached the classroom, it was the end of the second period, Amelia had advisory next.

"I'll let you get to your next class, you shouldn't be skipping this much. I'm just going to head to the library to just hang out for a bit. I'll see you later." Amelia smiled up to him and fixed her bag. "I've missed having my best friend around."

"I've missed you too, it's been lonely the last few years." Kyoya grabbed her hand and kissed it.

"I'm sure you've made friends over the years."

"I have, but none of them come close to what we had." Kyoya released her hand as the bell rang and the hallways were filled with yellow and blue uniforms.

A Remake (Kyoya Ootori X OC)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum