Chapter 6

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The beach house had huge windows that looked out towards the ocean and a deck that you could jump off of and into the water. After they walked in, Amelia noticed all of the bathing suits on one side of the room when the twins started looking at some for Haruhi, Kayla and Amelia. They ended up picking out a pink one with white polka dots and a pink skirt attached to it for Amelia. Haruhi had the one she tried on two days ago and Kayla had on a black one piece. When they came out of the rooms, everyone was already outside.

"Hey Amelia, why don't you come swim with us!" the twins yelled, standing next to Tamaki, Takashi and Hani. Tamaki had a big smile on his face while Hani was splashing in the water next to them. From this distance, Amelia could tell that Takashi was watching Kayla.

'Hmm, that's interesting.' She thought to herself while heading over to a sunny spot in the sand, towel in hand. 'It looks like somebody has a crush, I'm going to look into that.'

"I'd rather not swim, I'm just going to lay here and tan and watch you have fun." Amelia proceeded to sit on the towel and rub baby oil on her arms and legs.

"And why won't you swim with us?" Kayla put her hands on her hips. "I'll drag you in if you don't come swim. Hey that rhymed."

"Well, for one, I don't like salt water in my eyes, for two, I don't like not being able to see my feet or what's swimming around me and for three, I don't like seaweed and there seems to be an abundant amount of it here." She then puts on a pair of sunglasses and lays down.

"What was even the point of you coming to the beach then?" Hikaru said, turning around and walking deeper into the water.

"Yeah, it's not fun if you're just going to sit in the sand the whole time." Kaoru said, repeating his brother's actions.

Most of the host club swam and played around for a few hours, only getting out to grab snacks and something to drink. Haruhi, Kyoya, and Amelia stayed sitting in the sand, making sand castles and watching the others jump about in the water. Another hour had passed by quickly and the twins decided they wanted to play beach volleyball instead. Amelia decided to join them since it didn't involve getting in the water.

"I'm not very good at sports, so go easy on me." She said to the twins and Tamaki. Hikaru and Kaoru were on one team while Tamaki and Amelia were on the other.

"No promises." Hikaru replied as he threw the ball up and spiked it hard. Both Tamaki and Amelia rushed in the hit the ball, but only managed to knock each other over. The twins started laughing, watching the two of them get up out of the sand. "You really are awful."

"I wasn't lying." Amelia mumbled. They continued to play until Amelia was tired of losing. "I give up." She told the twins as she started walking away. "And now I'm completely covered in sand from falling down so many times."

She tried shaking the sand off, but it was stuck to her skin. She was about to give up when Hikaru and Kaoru grabbed her arms and legs and threw her into the water.

When she hit the water, her eyes went wide and she gasped, inhaling the sea. Amelia quickly emerged, wiping water from her eyes but only making it worse because of the salt on her hands.

"Hikaru! Kaoru! You guys are so mean!" She yelled, making her way out of the water, but not making it very far before she tripped in a small pit that had been created by the water pulling out the sand. She got up again, trying to wipe the water off of her face and ignoring the loud laughter she heard.

"Kyoya!" Amelia yelled followed by a whine. "I can't see."

Kyoya, who has seen the whole thing, tried to hold in a chuckle as he brought her a towel. He began wiping the water from her face and then put the towel on her head. Amelia opened her eyes and looked at him fondly.

"Thank you." She grabbed his hand and they headed back to the chairs where they had been sitting.

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