Chapter 2

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It had been several weeks since Kyoya and Amelia reunited. They tried to spend as much time together as they could, but it didn't amount to much because of their after school activities. Kyoya was in the host club and Amelia was in band. Both clubs had kept them busy for most of the days. On the days Amelia could hang out, Kyoya couldn't because of the Host club and vice versa.

On one of the days they could hang out, Kyoya had talked about his friends at the Host club. There's Tamaki, who's the president of the Host club, he has blonde hair and amethyst colored eyes. He said that Tamaki is very bubbly and friendly. Then he described Takashi and Mitsukuni. Takashi is tall with dark grey eyes and black hair. He isn't talkative and looks scary, but is actually really nice. Mitsukuni looks like an elementary school kid, with strawberry blonde hair and light brown eyes. He's very childish, but can act like a mature adult when the situation calls for it. Kyoya proceed to describe the younger members of the group, starting with Haruhi. Even though the club has a no-girls policy, they allowed her to stay because she broke an expensive vase and has to work off her debt. Haruhi has dark brown hair and dark brown eyes, she's semi-serious and puts up with all the antics that goes on. Kyoya also casually mentioned that Tamaki has a huge crush on Haruhi and that Amelia would get along great with her father. Hikaru and Kaoru are twins, both have orange hair and golden eyes, and can be very mischievous. Kaoru is typically the sensitive one between the two, while Hikaru comes up with all the pranks.

Amelia described her friend to Kyoya, she didn't have nearly as many friends as Kyoya, but she had stayed by Amelia's side all these years. Kayla Monaco, a bass clarinet player, has long brown hair and brown eyes. She's mostly serious, but can be childish and slightly perverted. Kayla can be loud at times, but is a good listener when you have a problem.

"She sounds very interesting." Kyoya said, putting down his notebook. He then notified Amelia that he already knew who Kayla was because she visited the Host club every once in a while to see Takashi.

One day, Kyoya didn't show up to school, so Amelia was bored in the only class they had together. That class so happened to be that last one of the day, so she was putting her things away. Amelia had gotten distracted by drawing, so she was the last one in the classroom. Someone had tapped her shoulder, scaring the daylights out of her. When Amelia turned around, there was a man with blonde hair and purple eyes looking at her.

"Oh, your Tamaki."

"How correct you are, my darling. Kyoya said you were a smart cookie." Tamaki made large arm movements as he talked.

"I don't think those were Kyoya's exact words. He's to preeminent, he wouldn't say smart cookie."

"You know him so well. I came to talk to you because I have a message from him." Tamaki pulled out a folded piece of paper and handed it to Amelia. "I have to get going, but I'm sure I'll be seeing you around."

Tamaki left the room and Amelia was alone again. When she had finished packing up her things, she headed for the band room for practice. Practice went by pretty fast and it was getting late. The teacher had given her another piece to work on for an upcoming competition. He suggested that she start practicing over the weekend so she could get a head start.

After being home for about an hour, Amelia's youngest sister walked into her room to let her know that there was a boy at the door. When she walked to the door, Kyoya was standing there.

"How did you find where I live? I don't remember telling you that I lived in this neighborhood."

"I did some research on you. I figured it would be best to know where my friend lives in case of an emergency. Did Tamaki come and talk to you today?"

"Basically, you called my sister. And yes, he did talk to me, he gave me the note, I haven't had time to read it though." Amelia pulled it out of her pocket. "I kind of forgot about it." The note had stated that Kyoya was going to visit her after she got home from school. "Come inside, it's hot out there and you're letting all the cold air out."

They sat and talked for awhile, not really discussing much. Mostly talking about how classes were going and what was going on in their clubs.

"So why did you decide to come visit us today?"

"I happened to tell father about your return and he would like to see you again. You were always his favorite, non-biological child." Kyoya said, picking at some fuzz that was sitting on Amelia desk.

"Could it be that he wants to see me again to discuss our previous arrangements?"

"It could be." Kyoya paused his fuzz picking to look over at Amelia. "Does that bother you in any way?"

"Of course not, if you remember, I agreed to it long ago and I'll agree to it again." Amelia sent him a smile and she received one in return.

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