Chapter 15

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The lights in the room were dim as Amelia changed Hayate's diaper. She thought about the conversion she had with Kyoya the night before. They had gotten into another argument about her parents, he wasn't quite understanding how she felt about them being around. Amelia tried explaining it to him the best she could, but eventually she just made him agree that he would follow her wishes when it came to the children. After a while Kyoya apologized about upsetting her and promised to try and do better.

The door opening snapped Amelia out of her thoughts as the hallway light lit up the room as Akiko walked in.

"You're looking good." She said sitting next to the bed.

"I'm feeling pretty good. It hurts to move a whole bunch, but in general I'm feeling pretty good."

"That's good, I'm glad." Akiko looked around the room and noticed Kyoya asleep on the couch with Hiroshi on his chest. She smiled lightly before remembering she had brought a gift. "Here, I brought this for you." Akiko handed the bag to Amelia.

Inside was a throw blanket with a piano key design around the edges and random music notes on the middle part. There were also two smaller baby size ones in the bag that matched the throw blanket.

"Oh, Akiko, I love it. Thank you" Amelia said, feeling the softness of the blankets. She moved Hayate into her arms and got up to give Akiko a hug.

"I thought you might. May I, um," She pointed to the baby.

"Of course." Amelia gently placed Hayate into Akiko's arms. She sat there, staring in amazement at how small this little human was. Akiko placed her finger in the baby's hand and Hayate grabbed it.

Hiroshi then started making noises and moving around on Kyoya's chest. Amelia watched as Kyoya woke up as well and adjusted himself so that he could hold the baby better. And they sat there in silence, just enjoying being in the sweet moment.

The next morning the nurses told Amelia that she could leave in a bit, they just had to have her fill out some paperwork and then she'd be free to go. After everything was finished, they headed back to the house. The maids had already moved some of the baby stuff into Kyoya's room for the time being so it would be easy for Amelia. She put the babies in their bassinets before sitting on the couch to start schoolwork.

Fuyumi stopped by during the afternoon to swoon over the babies and to let Amelia know that she had bought some toys and left them in the babies' room. They had a short chat afterwards while Kyoya took a nap in the upper part of the room. Fuyumi helped Amelia when the twins started crying. They changed the babies' diapers then Fuyumi helped situate Hiroshi and Hayate so they could be fed at the same time. After the twins were done eating and had been burped, they went back into the bassinets so Amelia could go and speak to Yoshio.

She told him the worries she had and about the conversation she heard between Tamaki and Kyoya. Yoshio just sat quietly, listening to everything before telling Amelia that he would speak with Tamaki to get more information for him and then talk to Kyoya. While she was in his office, they spoke about the wedding too and he asked her if she still wanted to go through with it or to wait until there was more information. Amelia sat there for a moment before deciding that the wedding would stay on schedule for now, but she would let him know if she wanted to cancel.

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