Chapter 17

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Two months had passed, and Amelia had decided to stop going to school in person and just do online courses. Kyoya kept going to school in person since he couldn't abandon the host club duties. And although she was often busy with schoolwork and looking after the twins, she realized that Kyoya had been staying out later and later. She started to wonder if he had a side piece or if he had taken up working at one of the hospitals and just didn't tell her. She wasn't sure, but one Friday night, she decided to stay awake to confront him when he came home. She made sure the twins were asleep in their room before sitting on the couch in Kyoya's room. Just sitting and waiting patiently, listening to the rain.

It was around two a.m. when Kyoya arrived home. At first, he walked right past where she was sitting but then stopped and turned around.

"You're up late." He said, placing a kiss on her forehead.

Amelia could smell a foreign perfume on him when he leaned in to kiss her and noticed a smudge of makeup on his face.

"I don't think that's what you should be saying to me." She leaned back and crossed her arms. "Where have you been?"

Kyoya remained silent for a moment as if he was trying to come up with an excuse. "I was at Tamaki's"

"I'm going to ask you once more, and I expect an honest answer. Where have you been?"

Kyoya remained quiet, deciding on whether he wanted to continue to lie or to tell the truth. "I told you, I was at Tamaki's."

"You are so full of shit." Amelia started calmly. "I can smell the perfume on you and there's makeup on your face. I have been around Tamaki enough to know that he doesn't wear perfume, and rarely wears makeup. So, I don't know what kind of idiot you take me for, but I'm not buying your bullshit lie." She took a deep breath before continuing, "Who is she?"

"I wasn't with anyone." Kyoya sat down on the couch next to her, trying to pull her into a hug. "I was with Tamaki; I'm trying to work a few things out."

"How much longer are you going to lie to me?" Amelia said scooting away from him. "I know you were with a woman, so if 'work a few things out' you mean work the inside of a pussy, then sure. Who were you with?"

"I was with Tamaki; I don't know why you want me to keep repeating myself. I needed his advice on something."

Amelia stood up abruptly, giving him a nasty look. "I'm not fucking stupid Kyoya. Advice on what? You're dick? About whores? Who are you seeing that puts priority on your children? Please, please, enlighten me on who is so important that you've been absent for a good chunk of your children's life?"

Kyoya let out a sigh and looked at the floor. "Haruhi."

"Why?" Amelia asked, crossing her arms as she walked to the other side of the coffee table in front of him, trying to put some distance between them. "What can she offer you that I don't?"

"Love." He said quietly. "There's been no love in our relationship for a long time now. And she needs me."

Amelia walked to the bedroom door and opened it. "Get out. Leave. I don't want to see you right now."

Kyoya got up from the couch and made his way out the door. As he walked out, crying could be heard over the baby monitor and he stopped in his spot, looking back at Amelia.

"Leave. You've made it perfectly clear that you don't want to be a father. I don't need your help." Amelia stood in the door frame, waiting for him to leave so she could go check on the twins. And he left.

Amelia grabbed the twins and took them into the bedroom, changed their diapers, fed them, and laid down to sleep.

A few hours later, a maid knocked on the door in an urgent manner. When Amelia asked what was going on, the maid informed her that there had been an accident and Kyoya was currently in the hospital. She had half the mind to not go, he probably got what he deserved, she thought. But she couldn't do that, morally it felt wrong, he was still a person she had known for a long time.

Amelia told the maid to call Tamaki and ask him to come over immediately while she got the twins change and dressed to leave. When Tamaki arrived, she was frantically putting things into a diaper bag.

"Grab Hiroshi and Hayate and put them in the car seat please. Kyoya's in the hospital."

"What happened?" Tamaki asked as he was strapping in Hayate.

"We got into a big fight last night and I told him to leave. I don't know where he was going or what happened." Amelia explained. She then grabbed Hayate's carrier and started for the front door. "I need you to sit in the waiting room with the twins while I see what's going on."


Nothing more was said on the way to the hospital. When they arrived, Amelia rushed inside and asked for his room number. A nurse met her outside of his room. The nurse informed her that Kyoya was in critical condition, that they had done everything they could, but he won't make it past today.

Kyoya was pale and covered in bruises when Amelia looked at him. She slowly moved closer so he could see her, tears filling her eyes as she moved.

"Oh my god, I'm so sorry Kyoya, I shouldn't have made you leave the house." She cried, clutching his hand.

"It's all my fault." Kyoya said, his voice a whisper in the quiet room. "I had decided to walk to Tamaki's house after our fight, I needed to clear my head, but as I crossed the street, a car hydroplaned. I should have told you from the beginning about my feelings, I should have been a better father, and now I'm paying the price." Kyoya took a deep breath. "Make sure Hiroshi and Hayate grow up to be good boys, don't let them follow in my footsteps."

"You have to hang on Kyoya, the boys need their father, and as much as I hate you right now, I need you to. Please, you have to pull through." Amelia cried, as she placed her head on his chest.

Kyoya took a few ragged breaths before talking again. "Tell the boys I love them." He paused for a moment, "I love you Amelia, I really do. There's no excuse for my actions, just know that I do love you and I always have."

The machine next to the bed made a horrific screeching sound and nurses came rushing in the room. One of them made Amelia move to the side as they tried resuscitating him. But after a few moments there was nothing, they could do. The room was filled with Amelia's sobs as Yoshio walked into the room. He pulled her into a tight embrace, standing there holding her for a moment before walking her back to the waiting room. Tamaki looked up in desperation, but his face fell when he realized what happened. He got up and pulled her into a hug, swaying gently back and forth.

After she was calm enough, she had Yoshio take care of the paperwork and she and Tamaki headed back to the house. They took the twins back to the room and placed them on the playmat on the floor. Amelia then filled Tamaki in on what happened. He sat silent for a few moments and then told her that he would be here for her, even if it was only for a shoulder to cry on. She started crying again and fell into his chest.

Things weren't supposed to end this way. Amelia didn't think things would go this way when she met up with Kyoya again. They were supposed to get married and live happily ever after, what had she done to anger fate? She didn't know. But she knew that she would have to raise Hiroshi and Hayate with all the love she could muster and help them turn into wonderful grown men.

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