Chapter 24- Fate Be Damned

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-Zeus -

Empty Lot

Somewhere in New York City

We teleported to New York and Hera's scream was still echoing inside my head. Along with that, I felt as if all the hairs on my body were standing on end as her power flooded the entire city.

"Why?!" she cried as she looked at a lone figure in the distance. Dread filled my veins when I realized it was Erebus. I summoned my power and bent my knees to jump towards where they both were.

I flew several feet into the air as did the other gods who were with me. But we all stopped short as we crashed into an invisible barrier. Electricity coursed through my entire body and sent my nerve endings ablaze as I crashed into the pavement.

But I got up, raised my hand and fired several thunderbolts towards the barrier. Nothing happened.

Fucking hell!

"Hera!" I shouted.

It was as if she didn't hear me. She just sat there, cradling the body of Theo Dimitriou in her hands as tears flowed down her face. As I watched that scene, I felt this tightening inside my chest. But I brushed it off, no matter how hard, for this wasn't the time to feel things. It was time to fucking fight.

"No... No... This isn't real. This isn't happening. Theo, wake up!" Hera shouted as she shook him gently.

"Hera!" I cried again. And just like before, she didn't seem to hear me or even notice all of us. But Erebus did. He looked at all of us and he smiled at our helplessness.

"Find a way to get rid of this barrier!" I shouted to Hades and the others. I pounded my fist on the invisible barrier and a different kind of heat and electricity coursed through my veins once more. But I welcomed the pain. It made me feel alive and it pumped my entire body with the energy and adrenaline that I needed for this fight.

From the corner of my eye, I saw Hades and Thanatos use their powers. Shadows poured from the tips of their fingers. The grass and nearby plants died but the barrier remained steadfast. Poseidon shook the ground and large cracks appeared but still the barrier held steady.

"He was meant to die. That was his fate," Erebus told Hera. Then, he threw back his head and laughed. The sound turned my blood to ice. I shot more bolts into the barrier but it still remained strong.

Hera lifted her head and the look in her eyes was something I've seen a hundred times over. It was the look that said that gone was the gentle Hera and in its place was the vengeful and wrathful goddess.

"We have to find another way!" Hades shouted.

He and the others also knew that look. The winds started to howl and the skies darkened. Trees started to topple and pieces of paper, leaves and small rocks swirled in the wind. With each second that passed, it grew stronger and stronger.

The ground also started to shake and all heads turned towards Poseidon. "It's not me!" he shouted over the roar of the wind. More cracks appeared on the ground and we had to jump away from the barrier.

"It's Hera. Look!" Hades pointed out.

By now, Hera's entire body was glowing. More of her power flooded the area where we were standing and even though the wind was blowing hard, the air was getting warmer and warmer.

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