Chapter 8- Tell Me Why

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Sorry for the long update guys. Been busy again. I am currently redrafting How to be a Queen in hopes that I could also submit it to publishers to sorta get the ball rolling on the Myths Finding Love Series. :) Hope you understand.

Oh and in Chapter 2, I asked you guys to listen to Let Her Go. This time, listen to "When I Was Your Man" by Bruno Mars as you listen to this chapter.

Enjoy the feels!



The Barren Fields

Outside Hades' Palace

The Underworld



Hera's words echoed inside my head over and over again as I was powerless to stop her from disappearing. I tried to lunge for her but all I grasped was air.

"Hera no!!!" I shouted. It was no use. She was already gone.

The place where she previously stood turned red because of all the blood she lost from her wounds. Yes, she was an immortal but the effect of the chimera poison was to make us lose our powers. It also turned Ichor, the golden blood of the immortals, into red-the color of mortal blood.

My knees buckled and it was a good thing that there was a boulder beside me or I would've fallen towards the floor.

I did it. I hurt her. Again.

I fucked up. Massively. It was exactly as I did before. I said I'd change but apparently, those were just empty words

I lied and even though I did it to save her-I still lied. She didn't trust me anymore and I gave her another reason not to trust me ever again. My vision blurred and my heart thudded faster inside my chest.

Where could she be?

She was out there injured and weak. She can be anywhere! Fuck, what do I do?

I reached inside me for that feeling of awareness about her. Then, it was as if my heart stopped. I forgot that the bond between us didn't exist anymore. She wasn't there. The awareness between us was severed.

Before, when I thought about her, we could communicate telepathically. I would also be able to find her wherever she is. But all of that is now gone...

Our bond was dissolved by the fates.

I threw back my head and roared.

My emotions threatened to overwhelm me. I could hear the howling wind and the roar of thunder but I ignored it. I simply didn't care.

"Zeus!" Hades' voice snapped me out of my stupor.

I frowned at him and a bolt of lightning split the nearest tree to him in two. Hades only raised an eyebrow. "Stop it this instant," he said in a threatening tone. I looked up and the sky was filled with lightning. There was too much of it that the other gods and goddesses started to flee.

How to Reform a Rake (Myths Finding Love #3) COMPLETED!Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ