Chapter 23- Shadows

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Author's Notes: Again, late update because of work. Super busy, guys. If you don't understand this then you're too young and you should grow up a little more.

Another note: PREPARE TISSUES! 



Starbucks Cafe
Somewhere in New York City


“Wow. I never knew coffee can be this good!” I told Theo as I sipped on my hot hazelnut macchiato. Theo inclined his head to the side and shrugged as if to say: I told you so.

Since this day started, I have been against almost all of Theo’s plans. The first one was to hire a private investigator and check on Zeus. While the idea held so much appeal, I was also afraid.

I was scared of what would be revealed. I was scared of shattering this perfect little bubble I am living in now. I am scared that I really left him for the right reasons and now that I am free, my heart still aches for him.

And most of all... I’m scared that I’d still want Zeus even after everything... That what I feel for him now is what I felt before even when he cheated on me and broke my heart into a million pieces.

“Hera?” Theo’s deep voice snapped me out of my trance. I smiled at him and took another sip of my coffee.

“You were on another world again,” he whispered. I gave him another smile. “Sorry. Did you ask something, by the way?”

“No. Not asked. But I said that I wanted to take you to Seattle one day. We’d go to the very first Starbucks coffee shop,” Theo said.

I grinned against my cup. “Sounds great!”

“So what have you been thinking about that sent you to outer space just a few seconds ago?” he asked.

I closed my eyes. The instant I did, Zeus’ face came into mind. The first thing I recalled so vividly were those hauntingly, beautiful blue eyes that looked so much like the sky. My heart skipped a beat. But after that, it clenched in pain.

Was this always how I was going to feel about Zeus? Like he’s this wonderful, beautiful love that I’ve always dreamed about. But somehow, it was always imperfect and that along with love comes an equal measure of pain.

“I was thinking about out visit to your friend earlier—the private investigator. Theo, I’m scared about what’s going to happen,” I told him with all honesty.

Theo placed his mug down and reached across the table. His hand enfolded mine. His was warm from cradling his coffee mug. Mine was cold because of all the worrying I’ve been doing. The moment he touched me, his warmth chased away the cold and provided a measure of reassurance.

Was this always how Theo would make me feel? Like he’s my safe haven; my anchor amidst churning waves? But my heart would always long for that imperfect love...

“Don’t worry, darling. I’m here for you and I’ll always be here,” he told me. Then, he grinned and those green eyes shone like trees in springtime when rays of the sun hit the leaves.

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