Chapter 28- So This Is Goodbye

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This is dedicated to my Filipino readers. #TeamAbangers who follow me on Facebook, like all my updates about work and writing and even my sweet nothings with my boyfriend. This is for you guys who patiently wait for the updates.

P.S. Happy Father's day to everyone's dads! <3



Rudy's Bar and Grill

New York City


"Zeus, what happened?" Hades asked.

With great effort, I put down my drink and lifted my head. I regarded him through bloodshot eyes.

"What do you mean?" My voice sounded tired and melancholic even to my own ears.

"I know you went to the realm of the Fates. The portal guards reported it too so don't bother trying to hide it," he answered. Then, he sat on the empty bar stool to my left.

Poseidon sat at my right and poured himself another measure of my whisky. "Hey!" I shouted.

"Chill, man," he replied and then readjusted his glasses. Hades shook his head. "You are an immortal god. You don't need to wear spectacles!"

Poseidon smirked. "The wife likes them. So I am keeping them, thank you very much."

I couldn't help but smile.

Through the past centuries, my brothers remained by my side. Well... most of them. Hades liked to be secluded in his dominion but when I needed him, he was there. Their company was something I will definitely miss.

"So?" Hades prompted.

"Yeah, what happened? There was this great thunderstorm earlier. It was all over the news. Then, it suddenly stopped," Poseidon said.

All color must've fled my face. "It's nothing," I lied. I lifted my drink and drank it in one gulp. I poured another and finished that too.

Hades squinted and moved closer. "Bullshit."

"Yeah, that's what it is," Poseidon agreed.

I sighed and rubbed my face. "I failed... with Hera. I just had... err... several questions for them."

"And did you get the answers you sought?"

They weren't the answers I wanted. But I think they were what I deserved.

"Yes." My second lie for tonight.

"And this is why you're drowning yourself in whisky tonight?"

"Yes." This time, it wasn't a lie. But also not the whole truth. There were many more reasons why I wanted to get drunk. The greatest one was: because it's damned hard to say goodbye.

The door to our private room in the bar opened and Thanatos and Eros strode in. Poseidon stood and welcomed them. In a matter of seconds, they were all laughing.

Something I'll surely miss.

When I turned my attention back to my brother and my drink, I saw that Hades was looking at me. His gaze was searching and it was as if he was looking deep into my soul.

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