Chapter 9- Torn

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A lot of you may be wondering why the update took so long. The first reason is that I'm currently rewriting How to be a Queen. This is a new and improved version with so much added scenes. I'm enriching the story as well and I'm happy that I get to revisit Hades' and Aerith's story-- the one that started it all.

Second, last week was one of the most hated weeks in my writing career. Why? The issue of piracy and softcopies. My works are being pirated and let me tell you, it's not a good feeling. Then someone accused me of copying an author. They said that "The King's Slave" is copied. No. It is original and again it hurts when you're being accused of something you didn't do. My readers reassured me that the author I was being compared to wrote Historical Romance. The King's Slave is Fantasy-Romance set in a medieval time period. That was it. I was told that I was trying to copy this author but it's a shame because I'm not good enough.

For those who read the King's Slave, I think you'll understand why this hurts more than other hater comments. The King's Slave truly IS original. I even made up a whole new mythology for that! I created a whole new language! And it's my work which I am most proud of.

That was why I didn't want to write anymore. Call me petty but people have limits. I am a person just like you and I get hurt too.

Okay, rant over. Please enjoy the update. Thanks!




Just a Fool- by Christina Aguilera feat Blake Shelton

This is the HTRAR theme song, guys. Link on the right!

Three Days Later...
New York Presbyterian Hospital
New York City


“Her recovery is remarkable...”

“I haven’t seen anything like this.”

“I agree! When she was brought here, we had doubts about her recovery. And now, three days later, she just has a few minor cuts, bruises and a fracture that’s healing at an accelerated rate!”

“We have to do tests on her blood. This may be a medical breakthrough!”

“No. We have to ask for her permission first. Let’s wait until she wakes up.”

The sound of voices pulled me away from my sleep. I tried hard to open my eyes but my lids were too heavy and every part of me felt as though it didn’t want to cooperate. My limbs felt so heavy that it was as if I was trapped inside my own body.

I heard footsteps and the sound of a door opening and closing. Then, there was silence once more. In that silence, I found peace and slept washed over me again...

The next time I woke because of a very bright light. Even though my lids were closed, it was still so bright that I winced. I tried to raise my hand to shield my eyes from the brightness but pain shot up through my entire arm. I groaned and tried to move the other hand instead. Slowly, I opened my eyes

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