Chapter 33- Bring Him Back

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For my Filipino readers: the Manila International Book Fair is coming up! And I have a book signing with other Sizzle Authors on September 19, 2015 from 7:00pm-8:30pm at SMX, Mall of Asia. And then September 20 is the Wattpad meet-up. I'll be at SMX all day. See you guys! <3


The Realm of the Fates
The Underworld


"Everything happens for a reason."

I've heard that line so many times before. It used to make me ponder on things like the future being pre-planned and how every little thing we do affects our future. Now, hearing those words just grated on my nerves.

I know everything happens for a reason but I want to know the very reason as to why they happen. Like Zeus' death. So I came to the Fates hoping to get some answers but I just get cryptic ones which makes my blood pressure rise.

I felt my power respond to my temper but there was no manifestation. Our powers were useless here for this was the realm of the Fates. Here, their word was law.

Three pairs of eyes narrowed at my display of temper. Atropos' fingers dropped from the loom. Then, she lifted her hand and rubbed at her temple. Her two sisters kept on working at their tapestry as if I didn't exist.

"Fates, I need my answers and I need them now!" I roared. I added a huge burst of power but all it did was blow a little wind over the threads of life that was scattered everywhere. Now, the sisters stopped what they were doing and regarded me as if I was a pest.

"Why?" they asked altogether.

I frowned. They dared ask why? Of course, I needed answers! I needed to know what happened to Zeus! I need to know if something can still be done!

"Why do you seek these answers? Should we remind you that you have left your King and decided you did not want him anymore?" Clotho asked.

"How about your mortal? What's going to happen to him then?" Atropos asked.

"Who do you really want, Zeus or Theo?" asked Lachesis.

Their words sent my head spinning and made me take a step backwards. It's a question I've asked myself over and over again. But until now, that's all it was: a question. I didn't have any answers nor was I close to finding any.

"This is not about that!"

"Oh, but it is," they replied as one.

"Ask yourself, Hera. Will getting the answers you seek change anything? Zeus is gone. He sacrificed himself so you would be happy. He thinks it's the right thing to do. And now, you have your mortal."

And still I felt like there was something missing.

"If we tell you what happened, what will you do?"

"I will find a way to undo what has been done," I replied with confidence. If there was one thing I was sure of, it was that Zeus wasn't meant to die. He was the king of the gods and he belonged up there in Olympus.

"What about Theo?" Lachesis asked with a sneer.

"Why do you keep on asking me that? What does it have to do with Zeus and me wanting to fix what has been done?!" I cried in frustration. I wanted to pull at my hair or stomp my feet on the ground but it's nothing but a useless display of temper.

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