Chapter 25- Death is Never the End

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Note: Last week, we ranked #6 for the What's Hot List for Fantasy! This is awesome, guys! Thanks so much to all HTRAR readers! Tried hard to write this update for you guys even though I was busy to show my appreciation. I love you all. Thank you. (I can never say thank you enough)



The Fields of Elysium

The Underworld

I think this is the first time today that my tears stopped flowing down my cheeks.

I closed my eyes and tilted my face upwards so I can enjoy the cool breeze caressing my skin. I cried so much today that my eyes were so swollen to the point that they were nearly closed. But the sting in my eyes from the tears couldn't ever compare to the pain inside my chest.

I opened my eyes once more and took in the beautiful view after me. I stood on the topmost portion of an old, stone castle and before me lay an endless view of rolling, green fields, forests and trees.

Directly below the castle was a tall fountain that was right in the middle of a majestic garden. There were several green houses to the left and they contained flowers of every type and size. Directly surrounding the fountains were red and white roses.

I wanted to go down there and touch those delicate blooms. How long has it been since I've been in my own garden in Olympus?

"It's beautiful here, isn't it?" Theo's voice snapped me out of my musings.

"Yes," I whispered. I took another look around and breathed in deep. The air was very fresh and there was even a hint of the smell of roses in the wind.

"Where are we anyway?" I asked.

"An old castle in Scotland," he replied with both pride and awe in his voice. My heart skipped a beat and a wave of nostalgia washed over me. Scotland-a place I loved so much before. Suddenly, a memory of Zeus and me standing over a cliff overlooking Scotland, arose. It caused such a huge amount of pain that I stopped breathing for a few seconds.

"Why Scotland?" I asked after I calmed my racing heart.

"It's beautiful here. It's cold, serene and I feel closer to nature," he replied. I took another look around. I just realized that everything right here is really Theo. He chose this afterlife and it represented everything about him.

I reached for his hand and he quickly enveloped mine in his. His warmth was back now. It wasn't the cold and lifeless hand I held hours before. Theo's color was back now too. And his green eyes blazed with life and happiness. I looked at him and committed this to memory. This was how he'll always look like for me-alive and happy. It was neither the pale, lifeless version I held in my arms hours ago nor the one covered with shadows.

And for several minutes, we stayed like this as we basked in the beauty and peacefulness of everything around us.

"Are you happy here, Theo?" I asked.

Theo took a deep breath and sighed. It was a long time before he answered, "I never knew I'd say this... But I am. It's peaceful here and you're here too so I'm not really lonely. If I do feel lonely, I'd just have to go inside the castle and there's a library that makes up one-third of the entire castle."

Ahh, yes-the library. Theo toured me around his castle about an hour ago and when I saw his library, it was love at first sight.

"The truth, please?" I persisted.

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