Chapter 38- Entangled

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AUTHOR'S NOTES: Guysss! If you are one of the people who downloaded Radish and bought some coins and bought The Billion-Dollar Knight chapters... thank you! I really appreciate it. Thanks so much guys for all your support. <3

For Android people, it's coming soon! Just a bit more wait guys. When Android comes out, more chapters will be free for you to read. :)


The Courtyard
Hades' Palace
The Underworld


My heart beat faster than Hermes could ever run. Faster even than a hummingbird's wings flapping against the wind.

Hera reached for my hands and helped me stand from my kneeling position. My hands shook as she reached for the ring. And when she opened those lovely lips, I braced myself for rejection.

"You and me... We're inevitable," she whispered.

I gulped. "Inevitable?" I whispered as she turned over my hand to look at the ring.

I commissioned Hephaestus to do it. It was made from the finest diamonds found in the Underworld. Hades gave it to me several years ago but I never had the time or the inclination to give Hera something new. I realized then that our relationship was really going downhill a long time ago but I was to blind to see it.

"Like Apollo carries the sun across the sky each morning and brings it back under the sea at night. Like souls will always and forever go to the Underworld... Like thunder would always follow lightning...

...We're inevitable."

She took the ring from me and slipped it in her own finger. It fit perfectly for it was where it truly belonged.

And at that moment my heart stopped.

"I'll marry you, Zeus..."

But I saw the hesitation in her hazel eyes.

"...but not yet right now. Let us enjoy what we have. Just like this. You and me. We don't have to rush for we have the rest of eternity," she whispered as she stepped into my arms.

And that's when the music started again. But it was drowned out by the cheers from the gods and goddesses all around us.

With those words, my heart soared. Little by little, I could feel our bond snapping back into place. It was as though the fates were already intertwining our threads again. Let's hope that this time the intertwine it so tight that it will never separate again.

I can't bear to be without Hera. This is our second chance and fate or whatever is out there better not screw it up again. And then there's the matter of Erebus and his plans to take us all down...

But I'll worry about that later.

7 months later...

The Throne Room
Zeus' Palace
Mount Olympus

"Congratulations, brother!" Hades told me as he clapped me on the back.

"Yeah. Well done. Olympus looks much more beautiful than ever," Poseidon agreed.

I grinned. I worked hard on restoring Olympus. Not only that, the palace was much bigger and better than ever. If there was one thing I didn't change, it was the courtyard.

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