Chapter 37-The Queens (Part 2)

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And do read the author's notes below for the first reveal of the Blurb for Aidon's story: How to Defy Fate. <3


The Courtyard
The Underworld

"Are you ready, queens? This is it!" Aerith whispered as we neared the grand staircase that would bring us to the heart of the party.

She was bouncing with excitement—this was her party after all. It was the most important event in the year for the entire Underworld.

We were already at the top of the staircase and I could hear soft music below. It was faint for it was drowned out by the buzz of conversation and the laughter of the gods.

"Shall we?" Amphitrite whispered.

I adjusted my dress and made sure my curls were fine. Then, I took a deep breath and exhaled.

"Let's go," I told them.

Amphitrite descended first. Those below were probably dazzled by her beauty and her queenly elegancy for the conversation and the noise died down quickly. I head the music much more clearly now and they were playing the last few lines of Hades and Aerith's theme song: The Best That You Can Do

"Awwww," I heard Aerith gush.

The muses were singing the last few lines as Amphitrite descended the wide, winding staircase.

"Look at Ami, she's so beautiful!"

I nodded my agreement.

Am I that beautiful? That elegant?

If this was another event in the past, I would probably be bored. But now, I was very nervous. It's as if I was an entirely new goddess and this was my first time attending an event like this.

Well, a lot of things happened and there were huge revelations. Maybe I've changed a lot after all.

Amphitrite reached the last step and Poseidon was there to greet her. He kissed her hand and tucked placed it on the crook of his elbow. They shared a genuine smile of affection before he led her towards their table.

Well, it's my turn. This is simple, really. One foot in front of the other and don't tumble down the steps.

With another deep breath, I began to descend the staircase. And the new song started.

"People say that you're no good for me
People say it constantly
I hear it said so much I repeat it in my sleep."

And then I saw him.

In a room full of gods and shades, it was him I first laid eyes on. We truly were like 2 magnets. Place us wherever and we'll gravitate towards one another.

I saw his blue eyes flash with intense emotion. It was followed by him breathing in deep as though he was trying to control himself. That reaction was all the confidence boost I needed.

I smiled at the crowd. Truth was, it was only for him.

"Maybe I am just a fool for you
Maybe you're no angel too
But all that talk is cheap when I'm alone with you."

He wore a white jacket over a sky blue shirt that matched the color of his eyes. It fit his muscled frame perfectly and made him look every inch a king. And I? I was emanating 'queen' from head-to-toe.

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