Chapter 34- Moving Heaven and Earth

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Dear readers,

Hello! It's awesome to be back. I missed you guys! Again, sorry. Was so busy with work. But I guess that's the last time. Haha. I'm done with it! I resigned. Wasn't happy anymore. Ugh. Now back to writing. :) I hope that makes you happy because I'm soooo happy I get to chase my dream again. So tune in for announcements in the future. I might go and publish one of my other novels. ;)

For now, hope you enjoy this update to How to Reform A Rake.

P.S. Can you guys keep a secret? I got engaged. Unofficially. Wait for the official announcement. And don't tell my boyfriend I said this. He wants it to be a secret but I can't shut up about it. :p *champagne for everyone!*


The Fields of Asphodel
The Underworld
Zeus' Memory


There's a fine line between fantasy and reality.

Most people would say they would rather be stuck in a fantastical world rather than the bleak, unsure humdrum of reality.

What is a memory, then? Is it reality or fantasy? I'd say, it's something that bisects that fine line between the two. A memory is something real but it is past. Recalling it or living in it becomes fantasy for most often, we only recall the times in our lives that were almost similar to fantasy.

I am stuck in a memory. Therefore, I am travelling that line between fantasy and reality. But it came to a point that I crossed that line and lived in a world of fantasy.

Why? Simply because everyone was right and it's much, much better than reality.


"Hmm?" she replied in a lazy drawl.

We were in the mortal realm. I do not know where exactly but we are in the middle of two hills. It was a valley filled with green grass as far as the eye could see. I found mortals fascinating. Theirs was a world that was new and beautiful and their civilization was young. They were like a breath of fresh air compared to us gods who are as old as time itself.

Hera's head was tilted upwards exposing the long column of her neck as she basked in the sun. Her skin glowed in the sunlight but in a muted tone. She was a goddess and her light was a thousand times much brighter than the sun.

"Nothing. I was just thinking."

She rolled over on her belly and regarded me with hazel eyes unlike any other.

"About what?"

I reached across and plucked a flower from the ground. I offered it to her. She thanked me with a smile that could render any mortal breathless. And what did that smile do to a god? It made this god's heart stop.

"How I never want to be apart from you," I replied.

I was the king of the gods and I carried so much weight above my shoulders. But with her, that weight was lessened. With her, I felt free.

Her smile widened and she moved again to lie on the grass. One hand reached across and grasped mine.

"Lie back, husband."

How to Reform a Rake (Myths Finding Love #3) COMPLETED!Where stories live. Discover now