S1 Part 4:Orders From The Hokage.

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Before any of them could say anything else other than the already muttered 'Troublesome' Commander Dragon who had gone to Narutos side stepped forward and began to speak.

"Before any of you question the legitimacy of his statement, yes Uzumaki-sama here was made Lord Fifth Hokage by Lord Third before He left on an a....extended vacation."

They all nodded numbly at this while Naruto followed Dragons Words with his own "Anyways Shikaku, I'm making you my personal advisor while I'll also be giving you a mission...don't worry its an unofficial one, I want you along with his sensei Asuma-san to get Shikamaru chunin level within the mouth if possible and then he will also be becoming one of my advisors."

Continuing without waiting for a response "Kakashi-Sensei I want you to send Sakura-chan to The hospital to learn medical ninjutsu as I had my clones doing some reading In the library and one read that if someone has a limited Chakra pool but perfect control just like Sakura-chan then they can make a great medic-nin's along with being good at Genjutsu, Also get her off a diet it not good for her as a shinobi, you can try and convince her by saying Sasuke-teme would only marry her if she was strong and so she needs to take training seriously."

This causes everyone to look shocked at Naruto which makes him annoyed. "What! I'm not a complete idiot...anyways after you do that Kakashi-sensei, you will be rejoining Anbu as my clones found your file that show your skills and i trust you so you're going to be one of my personal guards and do missions for me, you will also take the teme on as an apprentice who will also become one of my personal Anbu guards aswell, well a Trainee one atleast" They all nodded silently.

"Also Shikaku can you call a council meeting, Sasuke-teme and Shikamaru you can go for now and remember don't reveal anything of this for now. Is that understood" they both nodded.

"Kakashi your the Hatake clan Head so your going to be at that meeting, anyways all of you exept Dragon-san leave."

After the door closes
"Dragon please send a team to retrieve Jariya-San and Inform him its urgent that he returns, that its an Order from his Lord Hokage and should he refuse tell him his books will be banned if he doesn't return"

From reading files he found out his Godfather Jariya has been kept away from him on missions by the civilan council who had taken power from Jiji after the 9 tails attack, Well now that he was the Hokage he wouldn't stand for it, those bastards kept his family from him and they would pay.

"Also send a team to retrieve Tsunade and her apprentice, tell your men to give them the message 'By order of the Fifth Hokage you are to return to konoha to start a medical program and become an active shinobi agian or you and your apprentice will be marked as missing-nin, also We have discovered some of your living Family which i Believe you will wish to meet" dragon simply nodded and said "Yes hokage-sama, is there anything else?" he asked turning to leave. "No you may go" Dragon Flicker out of the office leaving Naruto alone to think.

-Updated 01/01/24-

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