S1 Part 8: Narutos Dreams on Peace

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Hokages Office, Early Morning

Blue eyes clouded with confusion jump open, Jolting awake Naruto finds himself in his Chair and looks around to see Commander Dragon standing near him. "Sorry Hokage-sama but you feel Asleep and you have a meeting with Danzo-Sama soon" which causes Naruto to rub the sleep away from his eyes and look at Dragon trying to remember what he's talking about and after a few minutes of thinking he clears his throat and begins to speak although is voice is still hoarse from sleeping. "That's alright Dragon-san, I must have passed out or something after getting my clones memories, i guess 20 clones doing" shivers "Paperwork was too much and I got a headache which must have caused me to doze off, thank you for waking me"

Dragon just nodded, Then there was a knock at the door, Naruto looks over and says in a commanding tone or atleast the best one he could do with his squeaky voice "Enter" this is fillowed by Danzo walk-limping in with his cane.

"Good morning Hokage-Sama" He says in an cold but respectful tone, Naruto responds "Good morning to you as well Danzo-San, Commander Dragon your dismissed" he then adds "and so are you two" He says while looking at the corners of the office where Squirrel and Zebra are. Dragon, Squirrel, and Zebra leave in a flutter of leaves while Naruto Activates the Security Seals around the office and looks at danzo.

"So danzo-San how many 'New' Anbu do I have?" To which Danzo Reponds quickly and without fault "You have 357 New Anbu ready for Mission Service Hokage-Sama" Naruto smiles at this while simply replying with a "Good".

Naruto shuffles some papers on his desk before he Pulls out a file and Hands it to Danzo. "In that File Is a list of 17 semi-High Ranking Shinobi from our 4 fellow Villages, even suna, They are all chunin and Jonin and while not all are well know, they need to be dealt with as they could pose a risk if they grow in strengh....I want then All Dead within the Next 2 weeks. Is that understood?" Danzo looks through the Folder and Responds "Yes hokage-Sama".

"good, your dismissed." Danzo gets up but before he leaves he turns to Naruto and says "You Know, I had thought at first you'd be Like Hiruzen and Be a... Peace-lover, I was also under the impression you were...well excuse me for saying this Hokage-sama, But I thought you were an idiot." Naruto Just looks at danzo blankly And responds "hmm, while I do love peace and want to Ensure that There is peace so that i don't have to send my people to die, as i don't like the deaths of my precious people and the people of konoha I also don't believe it should be done By trying to make everyone happy, That's just not possible and it leads to others walking all over you...but, If you are so strong that no one would Dare go aginst you or your wishes, well then you can create peace...or atleast maintain peace" he then adds "and as for the idiot part, well theres 2 reason why I no longer appear to be one, one of which is the hokage library which contains a lot of Information and Shadow clones are a handy tool and two, I've always worn an 'Overly-idiotic' mask to make people not think of me as a true threat, after all you can't have a 'demon' getting too smart can you?" Danzo just nods and then Says "By your leave, Hokage-sama?" Naruto nods "Dismissed".

So danzo leaves, the anbu return back to there positions and naruto begins to think of His future plans....not just for himself or his village but also, the world.

-Updated 01/01/24-

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