S1 Part 5: The meeting

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One Hour Later

Naruto wearing his Hokage Coat which Flowed behind him as he walks down a hallway towards the council room, He sighed knowing this was going to be a massive headache. As he soon comes to two large oak doors he can already hear the arguments and yelling behind them, taking a deep breath he attempts to remain calm while putting on an emotionless mask but can't help but wonder how even before the meeting Offically starts can grown adults already be arguing like school children in their first year of the academy.

With a calming breath once more he begins to walk forward and stops just short of the doors, he straightens his Uniform and Hat and signals the anbu to open the doors.

In Council Chambers

The civilan council, the Shinobi Council, and the elder council who are all arguing amongst themselves for no reason while waiting for the hokage pause abruptly as the door opens causing them all to get quiet...Then Naruto Uzumaki, known as the Kyubii Brat or just Uzumaki Brat by many walks in wearing a miniature Jonin uniform and Lord Hokages Hat and Cloak.

Naruto walks to the head of the table, to the Hokages Chair and takes a seat, the Anbu Commander, Dragon and Jonin Commander Shikaku Nara take a seat to his left and right respectively.

Before Commander Dragon can say anything or even Naruto for that matter they are both Interrupted by a civilan councilman screeching voice.

"WHAT IS THAT DEMON DOING HERE! WHERES THE HOKAGE! REMOVE THIS DEMO-" Ranting like a small child that didn't get his way before he is cut off when Naruto sends a simple signal to the anbu who drops down slicing the mans throat, the man who's blood has now splattered across the floor and part of the table as his heart pumped his lifes blood out of his cut jugular collapses into the arms of the anbu, all that can be heard before the anbu disappears is gurgling then it stops as the anbu and body vanish, everyone is shocked by this and Naruto then speaks up.

"Now then Councilmen and ladies, all of you may be seated" the shinobi council takes a seat followed soon by the elder council, but it takes a bit of Killing Intent from Naruto, thank kami for shadow clones Learning everything in the hokage Library even though it caused a massive damn headache and thank Kami for K.I, to get the civilans to sit down after having seen what they did.

"Now then, Since everyone is here... we'll most of everyone" looking at the blood pool in one seat then back to the others. "Let's get this meeting started shall we? Any questions upfront?" Naruto says.

Danzo speaks up "Yes Boy, why are you wearing that and were is Sarutobi?!" He demands to which Naruto responds quickly in a cold tone.

"I am wearing this because I am Naruto Uzumaki, Newly named Lord Fifth Hokage of Konohagakure no Sato, Heir to the Uzumaki clan of Whirlpool, and Lord Third isn't here because he is on a long deserved vacation while he chose me as his successor"

The councilors are shocked but before anyone else could speak again Naruto begins again in a cold tone that left no argument "In other news, many things are going to change around here from now on".

"I am the Lord Fifth Hokage, I am the Miliary Dictator of this village. My word is Law...so as of now i am stripping the civilan council and elder council of all political Powers that they have gathered through the years and now making it so they can only give Council! As the originally only could when Created by Lord Second" shouts begin almost immediately from the civilian council but once he released his K.I with a little from the 9-Tails mixed in that shut them up.

He then Continues " The civilian council will still be allowed to sit in on some council meeting that concern civilans. AS ADVISORS" the civilans grumble but don't yell again.

"Also you two" he points to the two other elders exept danzo. "Are hereby officially retired." The didn't dare argue aginst him, turning to the shinobi side of the table he says,
"The shinobi council will retain most of its power" it gets quiet at that with only simple nods from them.

"Alright then in other news..." he says while looking over all of them. "The shinobi academy shall be reorganized, along with all the shinobi forces and anbu forces which will have new policies put in place that require all forces to meet a certain quality." Taking a deep breath he continues.

"I want our genin to be chunin level, our chunin to be jonin level, and out jonin to be near kage level. Demotions and promotions will be handled by me or my personal advisors based on skill, Not family name, I also want us to begin to build up our stores of emergency supplies, i have found out how low they are and i don't like it, I also want more emergency bunkers built for the civilans, I want new plans put in place since we haven't changed them in over 20 years, and I want this village to be fully mobilized by the time of the next chunin exams as we can not afford to look weak to other villages whos Kages will most likey attend, Is that understood?" He ask them...he had read reports on The nearby New 'sound village' building up, and The other 4 Villages don't particularly like Konoha...even Suna their allies and so he was worried about war so he wants them to build up even if others call him a warmonger.

The council all responded "Yes Hokage-sama". Naruto then says "Good and dismissed, let's get to work".

Before he leaves he turns to councilman Danzo "Danzo with me" danzo follows silently with only his cane echoing as Him and Naruto exit the council Chambers and head to the hokages office.

-Updated 01/01/24-

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