Chapter 1 - "What are you the welcoming committee?"

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"You perfect angel, thank you. Bring it to the council room."

Courtney shook her head and smiled at Miguel's message. It was only coffee after all. Then again this was Miguel who was 55% coffee instead of water so maybe it made sense.

Tossing her phone into her backpack, Courtney opened her car door and stepped out into the already hot August day. She straightened her cheerleading skirt before retrieving the glorified cup of coffee.

Before her the school grounds lay quiet, the first bell already ushering students into their classrooms. Courtney walked into the drop-off lane but scrambled back as an engine roared and a motorcycle zipped past her, nearly hitting her.

"What the Donald duck!" she said, her heart hammering in her chest.

She took a slow breath. Well, who needed coffee when a near-death experience could wake you up and make you rethink your life decisions. Okay, yeah, bold patterns really weren't her look. Good to know.

Courtney peered down at her uniform making sure none of the coffee had spilled onto her. No spill, that was a relief. Coffee stains were the devil of stains to get out of cheer uniforms.

Also ice cream. But that she knew from that classic movie Princess Diaries... Definitely not from personal experience...

This time, she double-checked the lane before crossing and waited on the curb. She wanted to meet this Hell's Angel member.

Who knew, maybe at this new student's last school it was a Hunger Games type situation and Courtney was an easy tribute.

Courtney spotted a girl striding towards the school carrying a helmet. Huh, not a cliché Bad Boy with a hidden heart of gold looking for the right girl to change him. Teen Fiction is a lie. Go figure.

The girl was a little above average in looks with pale skin, brown hair pulled into a ponytail, and dressed in all dark clothes. Courtney couldn't imagine how the girl wasn't melting in the California sun wearing a leather jacket. But Courtney gave the girl props for sticking with her aesthetic. 

"Hey," Courtney said, keeping her tone light. "I know it's after the first bell, but just a heads up some seniors come in late. Maybe be a bit more careful around the parking lot."

The girl eyed Courtney, taking in her blonde hair, blue eyes, natural tan, and cheerleading uniform. Ah, The Appraisal look.

"I'm sorry," the girl said. "Did you break a nail?"

Break a nail? Really? That was the best this girl could come up with? Disappointing.

Courtney heard her father's business-like voice in her head: humor creates connection. One of the many tidbits of advice he'd implanted in her head. Tidbits which had the annoying habit of popping up when they were not needed. Though humor was a classic way to form bonds.

"No worries," Courtney said, raising her hand and wiggling her perfectly manicured fingers. "No nails broken. I just wanted to give you a heads up since you're new."

The girl raised her eyebrow. One eyebrow, really? I thought only book characters did that? Maybe this girl practiced. Courtney couldn't do it and she'd tried before.

"How do you know I'm new?" the girl asked.

Was that supposed to be a trick question? How many motorcycle girls did this girl think went here?

"Because I haven't ever seen you around before."

"Oh, and you would notice anyone outside of your little exclusive circle?"

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