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Not a continuation chapter but the first chapter from Micah's POV.


"No! Please tell me you aren't wearing that?"

Micah froze in the archway to the kitchen and stared down at his outfit. He hadn't thought there was anything wrong with it when he'd put it on. It was clean and unwrinkled, what was the problem with it?

"Why not?" Micah asked.

"Micah, I say this with all the sisterly love there is," Felicity said, pressing her hands to her heart and looking as earnest as Micah had ever seen her. "But you look like you're wearing a trash bag."

Micah felt her earnestness was unwarranted since she'd use that statement multiple times and it had yet to convince him to change. Yes, the shirt might be big but it was one of his favorites.

And if he was being honest with himself, who was he going to attract even if he wore something different? Outside of his friends no one ever knew who he was or paid attention to him. Stressing over something as inconsequential as his clothes seemed pointless.

"You should get more creative with your insults," Micah said, taking down a box of cereal and grabbing a bowl.

"It's not intended as an insult, it's intended as motivation for you to go back up to your room and change."

Micah talked around a mouth full of food. "You definitely should stick to gymnastics because you suck at being motivational."

Felicity groaned in annoyance and slapped her twin's arm. "Dee, backup me up on this. Shouldn't Micah at least try to look decent for school."

It took Destiny a long moment to come out of her fazed out thoughts and focus on her siblings. When she looked at Micah, he gripped his spoon and felt the same sad knot in his stomach. Two weeks since her break up and, besides gymnastics, there didn't seem to be anything that made her the vibrant person she'd been.

Most days he had to hold himself back from finding her ex and punching him. It wouldn't end well for him since her ex was an athlete. Still, Micah felt like it would make him feel better to do something. Instead, all he could do was watch her and try to comfort her as best he could. Though most days he failed to do that.

"What did you say?" Destiny asked, blandly.

"Shouldn't Micah change?" Felicity said, gesturing emphatically to Micah.

Destiny swept her eyes over Micah but nothing seemed to register in her expression.

"I don't see why he would. It looks comfortable."

"Thank you," Micah said, smiling at his sister.

Destiny didn't acknowledge his smile and went back to her breakfast like the conversation had never taken place. Yeah, Micah definitely want to punch her ex.

"Here's another reason why I think the earth is flat," Isiah said, walking into the kitchen.

Micah picked up his bowl and headed to the dishwasher. This was his cue to leave before Isiah dragged him into a discussion that left Micah dizzy and Isiah smug and more convinced than ever that he was right.

"I'm off," Micah said. "Have a good day my exceptionally weird and brilliant family."

"Go change!" Felicity shouted at him.

"Bye, Micah," Destiny said.

"But this time I really figured it out," Isiah said.

"Good for you, Is."

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