Chapter 26 - "Why do you look so pretty?"

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Courtney pulled back from the mirror, inspecting her reflection. Girl! Look at you, look at you! She smiled. Natural makeup, hair styled in loose waves, and a cute, personally made dress. You are...chef's kiss!

Courtney laughed at the ridiculousness of herself and grabbed her crutches, leaving the bathroom and her over-the-top vanity behind. Slipping into one sparkly flat, since her brace wouldn't allow her to wear the pair, she collected her phone and headed out. On her screen popped a message.

Your carriage has arrived

And does my prince await?

Sorry, only an Idiot



I rush to your side
Rush is used loosely
Still can't walk like a normal human

Then I wait with baited breath
Baited breath is used loosely
Don't want to pass out

Courtney felt her smile widen but she found she didn't much care and had the strongest feeling she couldn't control it even if she tried. As she headed towards the stairs, Miles appeared in what looked like the previous day's outfit and holding a bowl of cereal.

In others' eyes, he would almost look like a layabout if they weren't aware of the genius mind that kept him working into the late hours. Ah, but appearances could be misleading after all. She never would have guessed such a funny person lived in the awkward Micah she first met.

"Why do you look so pretty?" Miles asked around a mouth full of cereal.

Okay, maybe his genius wasn't pervasive in all aspects of his life.

"I am always pretty. Even when I don't look pretty, I'm pretty," Courtney said.

"Pretty on the inside or whatever?"


"Fair enough."

"Courtney! That Micah boy is here," her father yelled.

Courtney rolled her eyes while Miles raised his eyebrows.

"Is this the same Micah who isn't invited to our trio?"

"One and the same. So dash off before another male bearing a name with m-i invades our conversation."

"Watch as I flee," Miles said, and leisurely made his way to his room.

He must have a very different definition of the word flee.

At the top of the stairs, Courtney saw Micah standing in the foyer with her father.

Ah and now I can live out a classic teen movie slow-motion staircase descent. And slow it will be because there's no way to go fast with crutches. Also, it will lack any sort of grace or awe-inspiring gaze so really doesn't have the same effect.

And Micah's not even watching. Well, so much for that.

"What are you making him decide on now?" Courtney asked, crossing to where her father held out his tablet to Micah.

"Simply what aesthetic works for the nutrition bar."

"You ask him for his opinion on nutrition bar aesthetics but you called him That Micah Boy, I feel like you can't have it both ways."

"He's on a dangerous line."

"We aren't dating. Give him his name back."

Yup, she had just said that statement. Out loud. In front of Micah. She really needed to look into getting a new family.

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