Chapter 21 - "You're not no one."

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Courtney rested against the passenger seat of the Jeep and stared out the window, letting the passing landscape sweep away her thoughts. She didn't want to think right then, so she focused on the blur of houses and trees. She absorbed the rush of wind as it flowed through the open window. She watched as her fingers tips were tugged at as she dangled her hand out the window.

She didn't look at her ankle or the bulky brace on it.

She didn't have a clue as to where Micah was taking her.

She didn't care.

All the roads he took were back roads. More scenic routes.

He could be taking them to the beach. Isn't that where teens went to gain perspective on life, feel like their troubles weren't so bad as they stared off into the endless sea?

Courtney highly doubted the beach at three in the afternoon would have that same effect for her. Sandcastles, little kids, mostly naked bodies... Not really conducive to self-reflection.

She didn't ask Micah about it and he didn't offer.

In fact, neither of them had said a single thing as they got into the car and drove away.

He didn't try to offer her words of comfort and she was grateful.

It was two weeks after all, she wasn't going to lose the limb or anything. She hadn't been kicked off the squad. It was just two weeks.

Eventually, Micah broke from the back roads and drove into a large shopping center. Courtney perked up. Definitely not the beach. She couldn't put together where he was taking her until he found a parking spot across the way from a frozen yogurt place.

"This is the consolation fro-yo place," Micah said, opening his door. "Whenever we face something hard or a competition is lost, this is where my mom and dad take us."

Family tradition and he brought her here. Something about that made Courtney want to smile and cry. Oh jeez, that was an embarrassing reaction.

Doing neither, she opened her door and waited for Micah. She stared at her ankle brace. Maybe she could wrap it in fabric, brighten it up. Could she paint it? There had to be some way to make it less... Less than what it was. Make it less than what it felt like: an anchor attached to her foot instead of the support it was supposed to be.

Bleh. Yes, woe is me. Let me swoon from the deep struggles of life.

"Hey," Micah said, drawing Courtney out of her thoughts.

He held out her crutches and it took her a second longer than normal to accept them. He took her arm, helping her as she stepped down.

"How does the brace feel?" he asked.

"Like I'm a cyborg but without the coolness of being a cyborg."

Micah chuckled softly and Courtney found a bit of her smile at the sound. She took a step, testing out how much weight she could put on her ankle. It was far less than she wanted. But said nothing. Their progress to the frozen yogurt place took time as she continued to walk and test.

"Don't push yourself," Micah said. "It will take time."

Yes, but I don't want it to. Courtney sighed. It will take time. Just breathe.

For the rest of the trip across the parking lot, Courtney gave up trying to use her foot and went back to relying solely on the crutches.

The frozen yogurt shop's interior looked like all the brightest yogurt flavors had exploded on it. Pink check-out counter, lavender walls, bright green tables, and baby blue chairs. It was like the entire shop was forcibly banishing negative auras from entering.

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