Chapter 17 - "Currently it's a whale."

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Courtney moved with the tide of students towards the parking lot, except they moved like quick minnows and she was a lazy whale.

Bleh, that was not the image she needed connected with herself right now, especially since she wasn't consistently cheering. But her whale-like slow progression made it easy for Micah to find her. Cause again she was a whale!

Nope, she was a sleek dolphin, cutting through the waves...okay like just generally swimming through the waves.

"Hey," he said. "How are you doing?"

Great, I'm a whale! Correction, slower-than-others dolphin.

"If you were going to equate yourself to a sea mammal what would you be?" she asked.

"I don't know, a seal."

Well, at least seals were large and he wasn't, so maybe her being a whale wasn't actually what it seemed. Wow, putting way too much stock into a simile. I need to get out of this school of fish.

"Why a seal?"

He shrugged. "They kind of laze about and are cute."

"It's good you know your strengths."

Micah laughed. "What about you?"

"Currently it's a whale."


"What do you mean no?"

"I mean that's not it at all. You're more like a dolphin. Happy and lively."

Ha! Even he saw the dolphin connection! I'll take it.

"Why are we talking about sea mammals?" Micah asked.

"School of fish."

"And we're all swimming with the tide out to the parking lot."

Gotta love a man who can connect the bizarre dots of your mind.

When they reached Micah's Jeep, he took her crutches for her. She hopped to the passenger door and got in, noticing the interior had been thoroughly cleaned.

Micah started the car and 7 Ships blasted through the speakers. He instantly turned down the volume.

"Sorry," he said, backing out of the parking spot and joining the line of exiting cars.

"It's a good song."

"You like 7 Ships?"

"Among a lot of other things."

"Such as?"

"Boy bands like Hey Farewell, Sebastian Colfax, Knox Hamilton. And general pop like Lennon Kayhill and the B-Girls."

"I love the B-Girls."


"My sisters created dances to them when we were young. All the songs got stuck in my head."

"They are catchy like that."

As they inched towards the parking lot exit, Courtney spotted Max standing by her motorcycle. When they got closer, she noticed that Blake was standing there with her, talking to her. Courtney looked at Micah. He'd seen.

"Want me to throw something at his head?" she asked.

"Nah, he'd probably do that cool thing where he was able to sense it and catch it in time."

"He's not Spiderman, he doesn't have a Peter Tingle."

"No, but I bet he has some Bad Boy sixth sense or something."

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