Chapter 44 - "You sure you don't want me to stay?"

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"Get the net off her."

"NO! Lift it over here."

"Courtney, are you okay?"

"Say something!"

"Get it off!"

"We're trying!"

"Try harder!"

"You yelling at us Miguel won't make this better!"

"Why did this happen?"

"I don't know, we made the calculations."

"Those were made with the lighter net. This isn't the one we ordered."

"This is not the time! Get this thing off her!"

The shouts fell on top of Courtney as she lay completely still, eyes closed. Her head throbbed from the impact with the floor and the vibrations of footsteps only added to the pulsing. Flares of pain sparked in her ankle and she gritted her teeth against it.

Thirty-five minutes. There were thirty-five minutes left before everyone had to leave. The entire basis of her decorations was destroyed. New plan. There needed to be a new plan. Focus on that, Cory, only that. Nothing else.

Courtney felt the sting of tears in the back of her eyes as the weight of the net vanished from her. Four sets of hands reached out for her. Taking in a deep breath and willing the tears away, Courtney opened her eyes. Miguel knelt beside her.

Wow, that almost looks like genuine concern, Miguel. Who knew you had it in you.

"Slowly," he said.

He waved away the three other people, strangely enough, one of them was Max, and eased his arm around Courtney's waist. She hooked her arm around his shoulders as he helped her to her feet. Well, foot in the instance, everything in her screaming that she shouldn't put any weight on her braced ankle.

But avoiding reality wouldn't do her any good. Courtney set her foot down, and a spasm of pain skidded up her leg. She clenched Miguel's shirt and bit her lip. Not the time, it's not the time to lose it. Focus. Breathe in. Do. Not. Lose. It.

Courtney looked around her. The threat of tears returned as she saw the net carelessly bunched and twisted on itself, the beautiful leaves she'd spent time ironing crumpled. Breathe. Don't lose it. Keep breathing. Smile. Too many worried faces. Be okay. You need to be okay for them.

"Okay," she said, smiling. "I have to admit that dramatic turn of events was not on my to-do list."

Courtney could almost hear the collective breath everyone released.

"We need to rethink our plan-"

"You need to go to my office," Coach said. "I need to check out your ankle before we do anything."

Courtney nodded and plastered on an easy expression. Don't show the pain. No need to make everyone worry.

"Okay. Everyone I'll send Miguel back to instruct you. And to continue this dramatic theme, I'm going to make him carry me."

Miguel took her cue and hoisted her into his arms.

Courtney flipped her hair. "This is true power."

Everyone laughed as Miguel carried out of the gym.

"You can drop the act now," Miguel whispered as they followed Coach down the hallway.

Courtney said nothing, focusing on her breathing. Pain in her ankle and head made thoughts slower than normal but the sight of the net remained too clear in her mind. Failed. It all completely failed. Weeks of work and thought gone in an instant. It was fine. There was a solution. It was a setback. A minor- a major setback but that was... that was okay.

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