Chapter 46 - "Just leave already."

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"Are you okay?" Lynn asked.

Nod, Cory. Do not think about Damon and Trina walking away, going to talk to Micah, going to tell him that you choose cheer over him. Hold it together, there's too much of the night left, you have to hold it together.

Courtney fixed a smile onto her face. "Yeah, just some trouble with the Locals. Don't worry, I'll win them over eventually."

Oh getting some serious side eye from my bestie. Judging but not a judgy look.

"You said Bridgette didn't feel up for the routine?" Distraction, correction redirection to get back on track. Stay focused. Get through the next few hours. "Where is she?"

"In Coach's office."

Ah, my favorite of favorite places where I have absolutely zero emotional connection to, fantastic.

"Okay. How is the rest of the squad doing?" Courtney said.

As they walked, Courtney peppered Lynn with questions. Focusing on what she knew helped her center her thoughts. It didn't mean they still didn't try to veer into the next lane but she constantly jerked the wheel back. Not the best driving but she wouldn't let her thoughts drive her. Where her sudden wordplay was coming from she didn't know but stress did weird things to people.

"I got this, see to the squad," Courtney said to Lynn at the doorway to the office. Lynn hesitated but Courtney nudged her a bit. "Go. We'll be out soon. Hey, Bridgette."

Bridgette lifted her head and Courtney was treated to the biggest display of deer-in-the-headlights face she'd ever seen. The only thing to beat it would be a literal deer. Seems she needed to swerve something other than her thoughts out of the line of danger.

"Before we talk about anything," Courtney said, turning to the side. "How noticeable is it that I gained weight from eating comfort food?"

Ah, there we go, a little less wide eyes and more of a scrunching thoughtful face.

"Not too much," Bridgette said cautiously.

With a dramatic relieved sigh, Courtney plopped down on the exam table with Bridgette, leaning back on her hands and letting her head fall back.

"That's good! I was stressing," she twisted to her side and rest her head in her hand. "I mean it was impossible to refuse the food. It was offered to me by an extremely cute boy." She flicked her ponytail. "Who I have since made my boyfriend."

Bridgette smiled and Courtney winked at her. "Besides, it was food, there was no way I would turn it down anyways. But you know if you eat homemade cookies and cheer up fro-yo it definitely has an effect. I think he'll still like me even if there's a little bit more of me."

In a box, put him in a box, close it, and set it aside, Cory. The only box open right now is the one holding all the things that need to be done tonight. You're not sealing the box closed forever, just doing that nifty tucking the flaps into each other thing. He's on one side, you will come back to that box but not now.

"Come on," Courtney said, standing. "Stretch with me."

Without even blinking an eye, Bridgette slipped off the table and stood facing Courtney.

"You're going to Homecoming with Marco, right?" Courtney asked as she started the stretch routine.


"He's your designated football player, right?"


"Oooh classic love story." Bridgette bit her lip in an attempt to hide her smile. "Is that how you met?"

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