Chapter 30 - "I love you, Cory. But..."

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Courtney pulled her car through the parking space so that she faced the school. As she cut the engine, she saw Micah stepping onto the curb.

He looked good. The outfit he wore was one he'd sent her a picture of the previous night, asking for her approval. The message had delighted and saddened her. Delighted because he was taking initiative in his own style. Saddened because if he kept going then one day he wouldn't need her.

Courtney sat back. If this were a classic teen movie, Micah would stop, slowly spin around, search the parking lot for her, and smile when their eyes locked.

Strangely enough, this was exactly what happened: stop, spin, search, smile.

There was only one problem, Micah didn't smile at Courtney but Max.

So much for a teen movie classic. Courtney sighed. Though in this instant maybe it did hold up since Micah was smiling at the girl he liked.

Max joined Micah on the sidewalk and the two of them stood there talking, both wearing smiles in full view of Courtney.

Yes, thank you, this is how I wanted to start my day: watching Micah smile at Max. How did the universe know this is what I needed and provided! Really, just the best thing ever, thank you.

Do you hear the sarcasm, universe?!

Courtney took in a breath and let it out. My apologies, universe for raising my mental voice.

Even though she was aware it made something in her chest wiggle with discomfort, she watched the pair. Micah looked happy, at ease. He smiled a lot but then again Courtney felt like he always did. Was this smile different? Did it have more meaning than the ones he'd shared with her?

Do I look as pathetic as my inner voice sounds?

Oh jeez, I hope not.

Courtney's passenger door opened and she let out a squeak and covered her mouth with her hands. Miguel slid into the seat next to her and closed the door.

"All right," he said. "I feel like this needs to be talked over."

"Give a girl some warning next time, won't you?"

Miguel stared at Courtney, bewildered. She didn't know why he was bewildered, she was the one who didn't know why he was sitting in her car. Do not steal my bewilderment from me, Miguel.

"Courtney," Miguel said. "I've been standing outside your car for the last minute and tapped on the window a couple of times."

Oh, fair enough he should be bewildered. I've thought 'bewildered' too much at this point. 

"I got in," Miguel continued. "Because even though I said I didn't want to know what was going on with you and Micah, I feel like I need to step in before you get creepier for staring at him."

"I wasn't being creepy."

"You are one set of binoculars short of stalking him."

Courtney gestured emphatically to where Micah and Max stood, right in her line of sight, so perfectly in her line of sight she'd have to go blind not to be able to see them.

"They're right there and I was only looking out the window."

"Yes, a common occurrence for you. To sit in your car in the school parking lot contemplating the greater world. You're not me."

"Fine, you have a point there."


So nothing. What could Courtney say? Actually, she could say a lot of things but how many of those things did she want to say, that was the question.

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