Chapter 3 - "Got into a fight with a bear."

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Courtney woke the next day with one clear thought. Her ankle hurt like hell and she needed pain meds. Okay, correction two clear thoughts. The second thought was if she planted herself on the couch in the family room she'd be in hobbling distance to food, bathroom, ice packs, and pain meds.

So that was where she was, stretched out on the couch with her ankle cushioned on pillows wrapped in an ice pack answering all the messages she ignored the previous day.

Overnight her brain hadn't given her solutions to the break between her and Lynn. Or deciphered why when Aiden broke up with her on top of all her emotions, relief had been one of them.

No, her brain only supplied her with where to sit. Not much help but maybe she'd sprained her brain as well.

At least it was a comfy place to send messages from. The entire squad plus all her other friends had asked if she wanted company or needed help. Courtney sent off cheerful refusals.

The last thing she wanted was an audience to see her in her incapacitated state.  

"Hey there, Sunshine," Heather said striding into the family room.

It was a fitting nickname since Courtney felt like the Thor in the family. Both her brother and sister inherited their mother's brown hair and brown eyes. Which meant if she was Thor they were Loki and Hela. But that didn't fit since neither of them wanted to take over a world, more like create their own where they were the sole occupant. Never mind, the analogy didn't fit at all.

"Sorry I missed your call yesterday. What happened to your ankle?" Heather said, leaning on the back of the couch.

"Got into a fight with a bear," Courtney said. "And he fought dirty."

"Haven't you been told to not fight with bears?"

"Yes, but this one insulted my cheer uniform. Them is fightin' words."

Heather laughed. "You really are sunshine. I broke my arm once and cried about it for a week. You injure yourself and make jokes. Do mom and dad know what happened?"

"Yes, and they also gave me a lecture about altercations with bears. Though I think dad was secretly proud."

"He would be. Are they coming home?"

"They offered but what good would it do? Their only job would be to act as my personal slaves. But if they do that then I feel like when they're old I'll have to repay them and then it would be two of them to one of me and that seems like such a hassle."

"Always planning for the future," Heather said.

True but with everyone around her already so successful it felt like she was lagging behind.

"Will you be down here for a while?" Courtney asked.

Maybe Heather could help her decide on what to watch since nothing sounded good. And maybe she'd even join Courtney and they could hang out. Courtney could tell her about the nuclear bomb that was yesterday and her wise sister could give her counsel.

"Can't, I came down for a quick bite then I have to get back to my computers. The coding calls."

Well, maybe Courtney would just go on a quest later and find a wise wizard to burden with her teenage drama.

"Well then you better answer," Courtney said. 

With a smile, Heather left Courtney to something she didn't feel like watching and an empty family room. She stared at the screen, barely taking in what was happening when eventually she couldn't stand it anymore. So what if there was a break between her and Lynn. It wasn't big enough that a little C&C couldn't fix.

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