The very starting

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Raymond's POV

I hang up the call with Mr.Sterling as I make my way towards my car. I get inside and just sit there for sometime, my back leaned against the leather of the seat. I am about start the car when my phone rings I connect it with speaker of the car as I make my way out of the parking lot.

I say 'Hello little sis' as a greeting just to annoy her and looks like I am successful in doing so as I hear her irritated reply 'On a second note I hate you and I am hanging up.' I chuckle at this and say 'Okay...Okay...sorry now tell me what's the matter ?'.

I smile while thinking how Vienna is the only one with whom I am like this except them if only they were here. I clear my throat as I bring myself out of her thoughts. Then I hear Vienna saying 'Okay ?' And I just hmm along.

Then with lightening speed I realize what I just said I kind of agreed to something Vienna just said. I open my mouth to ask what she was saying when she suddenly says 'Oh my god are you okay big bro ? You just agreed to attend an Ceremony at my friends Orphanage in my place! Wow I can't-' I cut her off as I shout and suddenly apply breaks and stop the car in the middle of the road 'What ?!'.

Okay so I messed up like real bad. I just now like seriously how can I ? Shit ! I again open my mouth to say something when V says 'so I was right that you zoned off during the convo and hummed along just for the sake of it right Ray ?'.

I rub the back for my neck nervously as I hear her tone it's the one which says she is very sarcastic cause she is angry. I know she is worse than me when she gets in this phase so I say 'Uhh maybe V'.

I can hear pure silence on the other line. For a minute I thought the call is over so I move forward to end the call when she says 'Okay see Ray it will do you no good if you keep thinking about it  we both know this. It will only bring pain to you and I am sorry but I can't see my elder brother aka my father figure aka my only family broken.

So please share stuff with me okay ? I know you feel by not telling me you are protecting me but do you think I would be fine if anything happens to you ? Please just please don't do this to yourself I can't stand it anymore. Please...' I can hear her voice breaking at the end.

I just sit there frozen not knowing what to do. I don't know what terrified me more the fact that my little sister knows everything I have been trying to hide or the fact that she hid all this from me so well.

I just say 'V calm down okay ?! I...I am sorry but its just that I...' I sigh as I am left speechless for a few seconds. We both don't utter a word for next few minutes then I hear her voice again 'I am sorry Ray....I shouldn't have said it like this but I just felt it needed to be said. I love you alot I hope you know that big bro and I know you love me alot too so just for me try to get over it I am not saying to forget I am saying to move on.'

I hum along this time actually being present in the conversation but having no words. Then I hear some shuffling on the other side as Ryker's voice comes on completely unaware of the deep situation we have going on here 'Hey bas...' which breaks soon as a slap's sound comes from the other end.

Which is followed by V scolding him how its bad for the baby. This brings back the smile back on my face as I shake my head listening to there playful banter. These guys never learn and if you have not yet realised then yes V is 3 months pregnant.

I start the car back up as I listen to them bantering which changes the atmosphere back to normal making everyone forget the serious talk we just had.

Then I hear V speaking as she finally realised she hasn't ended the call yet 'Anyway shut up and you Mr. Ray are going to the ceremony in the Orphanage which is owned by my friend as me and Ry have guests coming over.'

I speak with a bossy tone 'oh really ?' As the line goes silent which gets broken by her again as she says 'pleaseeeeeeeeee biggg brooooo' just the way she used to say when she was a kid and wanted me to agree on something.

And like always it worked on me as I shake my head while chuckling at her antics and say 'okay fine happy now ?'. I hear her squeal and Ryker shouting 'ouch my foot' which is enough to tell me that V jumped on Ryker's foot. Then she says 'Okay I will send you the details. Love you Ray-Ray. Bye !'.

As she quickly ends the conversation calling me by that annoying nick name which I hate. I don't know why I fall for her antics every time she uses it on me. I chuckle as I call my secretary to ask him to cancel my schedule for the rest of the day.

■■Time skip■■

I follow the instructions the map gives me and finally arrive in front of a modest looking building with a huge board on which it's written "ANGEL ORPHANAGE - HOME FOR ORPHANS".

And all I can really think is here i come Angel Orphanage.....

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