It can't be harder than handling a bunch of companies

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1 week later

It's been a week since the ceremony and I have been very busy with work these days but to be honest I don't know why but that little interaction which I had with Arianna keeps on coming back to me.

I know that I shouldn't get attached but it's just that whenever I remember her teary face I just feel like holding her close to me till she calms down.

I have tried not to think about her but still sometimes I find myself driving to the orphanage without even knowing it. But never have I approached her because I was not sure if she would want to see me again..

And I mean it's not like I have appointed any men to keep an eye on her or anything I mean why would I right?

You have done that fucker so shut up..

Suddenly a knock echoes across the room which breaks me out of my thoughts. I say 'come in' in a proffesional tone and the door opens to reveal V.

She comes inside and says 'Suprise! I knew you would be working like always so I brought some food'. I nod and say 'You know I don't know how you and Ryker love each other when you both are so different. I mean even after telling you so many times you still knock while-'.

I am cutoff as Ryker decides to prove the saying of "Action speak louder than words true" by banging open the door of my office. V giggles and shakes her head while I smile at his dramatic entrance.

He then shouts 'Hola m'lady and m' ugly bestfriend'. Yeah...sometimes he makes me wonder what your thinking as well like how the hell is he the leader of a gang? But well he gets pretty serious while he works...

Atleast I hope that he does..

He makes himself comfortable on the sofa beside V as I move towards the duo and plop myself down on the other sofa facing them. Just then my assistant comes in and says 'Sir someone left this envelope for you and said that it contains very important documents and shall be opened by you only..' as she hands me the envelope and leaves.

I simply nod while thinking who would possibly send me this envelope. I take the cutter from the penstand and open it. I slowly take out its contents which consists of a picture and a small paper stapled to it.

My hands shake a bit as I see what was written on the paper and with my shaking hands I turn the page over to see a picture which makes me drop the envelope and it's contents.

Ryker notices this as he stands up saying 'Hey what's the matter? You okay? What is this?' He stands beside me as he picks up the paper reading it out.. "Looks like I finally found the weakness Mr.Williams." 'What the.. ? Isin't that you Ray and wait a sec! Whoa Whoa Whoa who is the kid?'. This breaks me out of the frozen state which I was in as I shake my head and say 'No I-I have to go. She is alone...I need to go...'.

Then V says as she takes a look at the picture'Wait isin't this Arianna from the Orphanage ?' I nod and thankfully it only took them few minutes to figure the rest out. I quickly tell my assistant to cancel all my meetings while they process this fact.

I get up ready to leave when V says 'Hey listen Ray no need to go right now ! Wait I will call and ask Riley if everything's okay in the Orphanage okay ?! It would be much faster!'.

I know what she suggested is wiser but I just feel like I need to hold her in my arms just to reassure myself whether she is safe or not..

Still I quickly nod as V gives me an assuring smile and goes into the small room which is connected to my office to talk.

Me and Ryker sit quietly and I know that he is kind of waiting for an explanation. Finally I sigh and tell him everything about how I saw her crying then our small interaction and my sudden possessiveness over her.

He stays quiet as he listens to me the whole time he looks at me with a serious expression. When I finish telling him the room gets quiet once again then after a few minutes Ryker breaks the silence and speaks 'So are you know adopt her or something?'.

I just look up as I sigh and finally share all my thoughts with him 'I don't know okay? I don't know why my life is so damn messed up. All that I do know is that I want to protect her! She is already so broken Ryker! That day when I saw her after years I felt like I am going to break down...I felt vulnerable like I couldn't do anything to stop her tears from falling! The way she looked at me ; the way she cried Ryker she has already faced alot and I just want her to have a good life. But now she is in danger because of me. I should have thought this through! I should have known that me interfering in her life will only cause problems for her! F*** Ry I just don't know anything anymore!'.

Ryker looks at me with a serious look and says 'You know thats the most you have ever said to me.' We both look at each other and laugh at his poor attempt of trying to make me laugh. Then after a while he says 'But on a serious note I have never seen you so concerned like ever. Ray just go with what your heart says okay ? Sometimes things are very simple.. it's us who make it complicated. Just know that An and I are with you always okay?.'

He gives my shoulder a assuring squeeze. Then V comes back with a smile and says 'Everything's okay so don't worry and I also got to know about your interaction with Sia through Mrs.Riley. She is safe for time being so no worries'.

I nod at her as she says and trails off 'So....' which is enough to tell me what she was gonna ask. I shrug my shoulders I mean am I capable of becoming a father ? After everything ? I don't know but one can try right ?! But what if she gets hurt ? I mean my list of enemies isin't short! But atleast then I would be able to protect her if I do nothing then it would be more dangerous for Arianna!

With a foreign feeling in my heart I say in a joking manner nervously chuckling afterwards 'Well it can't be harder than handling a bunch of companies right ?' Ryker smiles at me as V squeals and hugs me saying 'Yay! I just know that you will be the best father Ray. I am so excited! Oh my gosh I am gonna be an aunt yeeeee!!'.

Me and Ryker look at each other and laugh again as she starts rambling about what all she is gonna do with Arianna. Somewhere deep inside I am also excited.

I mean it's a new chapter of life, "Fatherhood" is something that I thought I would experience with her but life had other plans. I don't know what will happen I mean Arianna is so small and fragile what if I end up hurting her even more?

What if i break her even more than she already is? I mean it's someones life we are talking about here. That too a child ! Whose gonna call me dad or daddy ! I mean maybe...

Holy fuck I might become a dad..

I have said yes but is it a correct decision ? Damn I can barely handle these two how am I supposed to look after Arianna?!

Life surely is full of surprises. I don't know what kind of father I would be but I will try my best to make Aria happy and just the way she was earlier.

That day I unknowingly made a promise to myself of protecting her which I am still keeping....

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