Break in

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Author's POV
It has been a few months since the success party. The father daughter duo was better than ever as they enjoyed their time together. She had started her school a month ago and slowly everything was getting normal just the way it should be. Among all this Raymond still had a team trying to find the person who had sent the letter and the phone call.

Till now they haven't found any leads. The person behind d this was very smart, the call was made from a burner phone and the letter was typed. Also their wasn't anyone following them around from day 1 as a matter of fact. This confused everyone as the person had pictures and information of Raymond and Arianna.

Raymond's POV
I smile at my angel as I see her half asleep on the couch as I enter the living room. We were watching a movie when Ryker came, he said he had found some leads. Turns out that the person is part of a small rival gang. It's not a huge threat since I have dealt with much bigger gangs. I got involved in this sort of stuff when I learned that mom and dad were murdered.

I found the guy out and well lets just say that I destroyed him completely but I made sure his family remained safe, because I wont ever stoop so low same with Ryker. Though he owns a gang but it isin't involved in any that sort of stuff. His gang is known as a white gang because it only gets involved in stuff when you mess with it. But everyone knows that rivalry from this gang is asking for death.

Everyone in the gang works a proper job and whenever they need help the others help the person out. That's one of the reasons Ryker owns an chain of hotels,restaurants, etc. To be honest I think that guys deserves everything after what he has gone through. I still don't understand how he is able to manage the things all together and is able to stay his cheery self.

I am broken out of my thoughts when I hear Aria calling me. I look down to see my little angel half awake and half asleep as she looks at me and whispers 'Daddy ?'. Making me smile as I make my way towards her and sit on the couch. Then I gently shift her head a bit as I place it on my lap and start stroking her hair. 'Its okay angel....go to sleep....I am here...'.

She gives me a small smile as her eyes slowly start closing indicating that she is going deeper into the dreamland. I kiss her forehead as I think about how she has changed my life in these past few months. She has changed me for sure but it's for the better. I mean ME apologizing to an employ wouldn't make sense right ? Well it did happen because my Angel thought it would be wrong if I didn't apologize...

☆☆Time Skip☆☆

I listen patiently as Arianna rambles on and on about the drawing she has made. She then asks me what I think about it as I reply after kissing her forehead 'I loved it princess'. She smiles at me suddenly a thud is heard from stairs. Arianna freezes for a minute and so do I as we both were supposed to be alone in the house. I look at her and signal her to keep quiet as she looks at me with fear in her eyes.

I quickly pick her up in my arms as I press the button which connects my room to the study. I very stealthily enter the study as I close the secret door. Then I place Aria on the couch as I quickly close the study door. I always have a plan incase we ever had a break in after a small break in happened though luckily that time the person was caught.

I then quickly open my drawer and take the emergency button keeping it safely in my pocket just in case because I don't know right now how many people are here. And if they are inside means they have knocked out the security.

This button was created by our special IT team. When pressed it alerts Ryker , Vienna , Ryan and Liam. The list would also have my name if I wouldn't be the one pressing it. I then bent down and pull the gun out from under my desk which Ryker had asked me to keep for emergencies.

I mentally thank him as I make my way towards my Angel who is holding her teddy and is taking deep breaths. This makes me realize that she is trying to calm herself down on her own.

I smile at her proudly My Angel is so brave. I hide the gun in my jeans covering it with my T-shirt as I go and envelope her in an hug.

She relaxes in my arms as I kiss her forehead and say 'Arianna see there is someone outside and those people are bad. Now angel I am going outside but I don't want you to move around okay? So you stay hidden here under daddy's desk and don't come out okay ? Its just like hide and seek but princess if the seeker isin't me then stay hidden here.'

She looks at me with her eyes full of different emotions but anyway she nods at me. I am about to get up when she stops me by holding my hand and says 'You will come back na ?'. I smile at her concern and place my other hand above hers in a way that I am holding her little hand between my big ones.

'Angel I will always come back to you...afterall I am the main protector of Princess Ari...aren't I ?'. She giggles a bit and then nods, hugging me for the last time. Then I get up and signal sia to hide and stay quiet I also give her my phone just in case.

I take a deep breath as I exit the study making my way around the place to the living room. All of a sudden I feel like a needle is peirced in my neck as soon as this happens I turn around and punch the guy square in face knocking him out.

I hear sound of footsteps thundering on the stairs which is obviously because his body fell with a thud alerting others. Suddenly I feel a bit dizzy as the once clear figures become a bit blur.

I try to balance myself as I fight the second guy knocking him out cold, but before I could attack the third guy everything suddenly goes black as I feel my body going limp and falling on the floor.

I just hope Aria remains safe...

So what do you guys think about this chapter ? Let me know in the comments...
Also should I kill someone ? Oh sorry I meant what I wrote 😉
Though I already have an ending planned but still anything can happen people🤭🤭
Anyway have a nice day

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