Devil's Angel

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I hug Sia tightly as I hold her in my arms. I can't believe that she actually accepted me as her father. Is this what it feels like when your kid calls you for the first time ? I know it's not her first time but I don't care.

All that matters to me is My Angel is here with me right now. I never thought I would ever be this happy in my whole life after she left but to be honest I am so happy. I still can't believe it.

I kiss her forehead as I carry her inside. I make her sit on her bed as she looks at me a bit sleepily. I sit beside her as I read her a story while stroking her hair gently. After some time she falls asleep listening to the story.

She must have gotten tired from the whole paparazzi scenario. I whisper 'Goodnight Angel' as I switch off the lights and switch on her night light.

I get up and walk to my study to work for a bit. I had asked my secretary to cancel my meetings for the upcoming few weeks and ask Vienna to handle the important ones.

V was the only one who asked me to take an off for a few weeks and spend time with sia while she and Ryan my secretary can handle everything. He is in his forties and is actually good at his work.

I actually respect that guy and his wife is also very sweet and welcoming. I break out of my thoughts as my phone buzzes. I take it out to see V's message asking if we were Ok and why i wasn't responding. I told her that I was a bit busy with Sia and tell her not to worry. Then I open my mail to go through some files.

I look at my watch to see its 12. I quickly review the last file and send it to Ryan. Then I quietly get up and switch off the lights of the room. I make my way towards Aria's room and sit beside her. As I look at her all the things come rushing back to my mind.

I don't realize when a tear falls. They say A man dosent cry which is bullshit because we do cry. We are humans afterall and when we learn about our loved ones pain we cry its just that we are able to hide it well we are able to control it.

We control it not because "end of the day a man is supposed to be the leader indirectly everyone is dependant on him."  No that's not the reason but that's what alot of the people in our society think.

But the reality is no matter what the gender of the person is, in this world there are alot of people who are hiding tons of emotions, controlling them because they are scared that if they break down the people who depend on them, who look up to them will also break. So they try to become strong not for themselves but for the people who they love.

I am broken out of my thoughts when I feel movement I look at Aria to see that she has a frown on her face as she whispers something while trembling.

I quickly realize the situation that she is having another nightmare. I try wake her up by calling her. I wanted to hug her tightly tell her it's okay but I didin't want her to feel unsafe or uncomfortable with me.

F*** I don't even know what to do I cannot help cause I am scared that she will distance herself from me if I do anything wrong. Suddenly Arianna opens her eyes which were filled with tears and looks at me which is enough for me to know that she needs me.

I forget all those thoughts that came to my mind earlier as I quickly scoop her up in my arms and place her on my lap. She leans into me as she quietly sobs in my chest while I hold her and whispher sweet nothings in her ear. I stroke her hair trying to calm her down a bit. I then say 'Hey Angel what happened princess ?' To which she dosen't reply for a minute or so.

Then she says 'You won't leave na?' I look at her thinking what caused her to think this I know she has alot of insecurities and all but why would.... is it because everyone she loved or who loved her left her? I decide to ignore my thoughts as I reassure her that I am not leaving her alone.

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