Something which changed my life forever

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The doctor looks at me and says 'Mr. Raymond you might wanna get that hand checked out'. I just shake my head as I continue looking at Angel. Then he sighs and says 'Okay anyway according to what I have heard I think she was in shock and was very scared. Then her getting hurt and seeing blood again might have triggered more memories which caused her body to shut down for sometime causing her to faint. She should wake up soon. Rest about the stitches so I think we can remove it after a few days its no big deal just make sure she dosent apply pressure on that hand. Now I will take your leave.'.

I hear Ryker thanking him and dropping him off to the gate. I still sit there while looking at Aria. I feel someone keeping there hand on my shoulder I look up to see its V. I don't realize when a tear streams down my cheek.

I look at Arianna as I say 'You know what V I feel like I failed. I was supposed to protect her right ? From this world and its demons but you know what funny enough I forgot to save her from mine !' I chuckle bitterly at this as I continue 'When I saw him standing there today I just wanted to kill him then and there.

But I controlled myself but when he said that rubbish about her I couldn't V- I just- I couldn't control it. I punched him as he fell to the floor. It felt a bit good for a minute but then I heard a sound and turned to see that she was standing there V. She saw me LIKE THAT.

You know when she looked in my eyes what I saw huh ? It was FEAR anna ! Something I never wanted to see in her eyes when she looked at me. Within these few days she became my everything I swore that I would protect her but I failed V just like I failed Raine.

Just like I failed mom and dad ,just like I failed you. I am just a failure this was a wrong decision V now I have not only put her life in danger but i have also scarred it. Just the way I did with everyone else.'

I don't realize I have started crying badly until V hugs me tightly. She rubs my back and says 'Take it out ray just take it all out'. I cry while hugging my sister as all those memories come rushing back.

'No mum you all have to come otherwise I won't play I swear' I say as I look at her seriously through the camera. She laughs at my expression as I hear Anna's voice as she appears in the camera saying 'Mom are you sure that this guy is my 19 year old brother ? I mean he looks like a nursery kid who isint getting his favorite candy'.

Then she makes a whiny face as she says 'Mummy I want canddddyyyy'. My mom laughs at her antics and slaps the back of her head as both of them laugh. I smile seeing the 2 most important women of my life laughing.

Then I hear Raines voice as she appears in the camera I can hear her say that the there are some network issues so she is  checking it.

Then she appears on the camera and smiles as I say  'Well that was smooth love. I must say I am impressed.' She giggles and says 'Your mad Ray anyway you listen I need you to keep you extra sweatshirt ready for me afterall everyone should know that this handsome man is my boyfriend'.

I chuckle as I salute her saying 'On it ma'am. Now you better go inside or everyone is going to wonder how long the network issue is going to last'. She blushes at this and says 'Shut up' as I laugh.

Then we both stare at each other as I say 'I love you raine' She replies by saying 'I love you too'. Then as usual my dear sister interferes our romance and says 'Okay lovers dad wants to talk to the lover boy so excuse us please.'

I glare at her as Raine blushes. As she goes up the stairs she says 'Ray I love you alot you know that right ?' I smile and am about to say something when she says 'Even though you look like a monkey'.

I gape at her as I say 'Oi you little girl' but she is so smart that she turns the camera towards dad and he looks at me with a raised eyebrow as if asking me to continue. I huff as both of them laugh.

I look at him and say 'You know what dad it's very wrong of you too side with her like that'. He chuckles and says 'Well son I won't explain it to you right now cause you will realize it when you have your own daughter.'

He then says 'Okay anyway I just wanted to wish you luck before the match. Love you buddy best of luck you make this old man very proud'. I smile at him as I say 'Well you do look a bit old' he glares at me playfully and says 'Oi brat who are you calling old i can still pick up a fight with you understood I am very strong'.

I chuckle at this and say 'Sure dad'. Then we both laugh. I have always had the best relationship with my family. Then Raine arrived and she also became a very important part of my life. This is all I ever wanted if I am honest.

■■Time Skip ■■

I stand at the entrance of the ground waiting for them. I don't know why they still haven't arrived. I am not getting a good feeling about this. Suddenly my phone rings I pick it up just to hear something which changed my life forever....

Hello I am talking from City Sky Hospital. I am extremely sorry to inform you that your family met with an accident and the only survivors are a 18 year old blonde and a 15 year old black head. The 18 year old is in critical situation, while the 15 year old is a bit stable. Kindly come to the hospital as soon as possible.


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