Success party and Revelation...

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Everyone waited in the hall impatiently. Today was the big day when Mr.Raymond William would introduce his daughter or so the rumors said. He had organized an huge success party on getting the award and getting ranked in the top 5 companies again with his friend Mr.Ryker Moore.

It was organized in one of the top 7 star hotel which was also owned by him. The chatter in the hall almost made the soft music inaudible. The reporters and media were so excited when they learned that he would be hosting a party like this as it was very rare of him to even attend the after party.

They were also excited as they came across the rumor that he might be introducing his daughter to the crowd for the first time. And to think about it this made sense as he never organized parties and mostly kept it private even if he does.

The women chatted on and on about how he is so handsome and hot. Some even faked it and said he was going to tell everyone about their relationship. Everyone was very curious some even excited about the events that were going to unfold during the evening.

When the clock striked 7 the volume of music was increased as the lights switched off. Everyone grew quiet as they knew the Devil was going to come any minute. Suddenly a spotlight was turned on the top of the staircase and there he was standing with an emotionless face with his shoulders wide.

The women started drooling over the sight in front of them. He was wearing a black tuexdo looking handsome and giving the women an heart attack while the men looked at him enviously some even wishing his demise.

He was known for making and destroying alot of careers so everyone in the industry was either an friend or someone who wanted him dead.

He was known as a devil for a reason. He was void of any emotion infact he only cracked a smile once that too in front of his sister according to the rumors.

Otherwise his insanely handsome face always had this devilish smirk which can send chills down anyone's spine.

People observed his every movement and lots of gasps were heard all around as a beautiful young toddler emerged from the darkness and held his hand.

She was wearing an blue colored mask as she stood there in her beautiful black dress matching with her father. Everyone looked at the duo shocked as the "Devil void of any emotion" cracked a smile as he looked at her.

Some elderly women gushed a bit over the father daughter duo and blessed them mentally. Alot of young ladies though were jealous of the attention she was getting and some even cursed the God for doing this.

They just stood there and watched with their mouths hanging open as he bent down on his knees to pick her up in his arms and started walking down the stairs. Alot of gasps were followed by his action everyone was shocked to see the Devil bending down on his knees in front of a toddler.

Everyone present in the hall was shocked as he went to the stage and introduced her as his daughter except for a few. Ryker,Vienna,Liam and Ryan stood there with a smile as they looked at the duo. Everyone was either shocked or happy or jealous except for one.

He looked at them clutching the glass of champagne tightly in his hand due to the sudden grip the red liquid in his glass flashed around. The fury in his eyes burned holes in Raymond's back. He had once been acquaintances with him; he was once a well wisher...

Oh! but that was long he was just an enemy someone who wanted him dead. Raymond had taken someone he loved and now it was time for revenge.

Oh the sweet revenge! The one he was craving for from years...

Finally he had found the weakness what if it was just an innocent child ?! She was also an innocent child in front of his eyes but this beast killed her!! She died crying for him and now he will make sure that he cries for her too...

He was so blinded by rage and the feeling of getting revenge that he didin't even care about spoiling the little girls life. The moment he saw her again standing there he started hating her.

She was like an reminder to him that he had lost her - his little princess because of him. He was truly a devil so giving him a taste of his own medicine won't hurt right ?

Time Skip∆∆

Unaware of the danger they were in Raymond and Arianna spent the rest of the evening with Ryker and Vienna. They spent quality family time together as they enjoyed there evening interacting with a few close associates.

Far from there an old lady stood inside a room as she held a picture and cries saying sorry again and again. She saw her little girl in that kid and now she was guiding her on a path to get herself killed. She wished things had been better....

She had wished that everything turns out in a different way but it didin't and now she watched as he destroyed the little happiness they had...

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