Pinky promise ?

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Raymond's POV

Ever felt like dying ? Well I didint till now atleast. I mean my throat is parched but I cannot move because Vienna is literally clinging to me crying her heart out. I mean she literally slapped me for getting shot at ! Like I had a choice! I am finally able to drink some water when the nurse and the doctor finally manage to calm V down a bit.

I just woke up today and turns out I was apparently out for 3 days. But what shocked me the most were the tears ready to fall from Ryker 's eyes. I had only seen him cry twice and both the times it was when someone died. To be honest thinking about this actually made me realize that I was on the verge of dying. But this dosent scare me what scares me is the way it would have changed these people.

I am broken out of my thoughts when I hear a small almost inaudible whisper 'Daddy?!'. I immediately knew who it was as I open my eyes to see Arianna standing at the door with tears in her eyes. All I want to do right now is to run and hug her tightly but because of the f***ing wires I am not able to do that so I just opened my arms wide open.

I see as she runs and hugs me as soon as I do that. I hold her close to me and rub her back as she sobs in my chest. Right now my wound doesn't hurt when she is hugging me because I know that I have hurt her more by getting hurt. I don't even know how scared she must have been when she saw me like that and how she spent these 3 days.

I know that she must have been blaming herself like always. I kiss her forehead as I whispher sweet nothings in her ear. I somehow manage to calm her down a bit as I say 'Shhh Angel its okay !' And she clutches my shirt afraid to let go. We sit in silence for a bit as she lays her head on my chest and I run my hand through her hair. It is broken when Ryker enters the room with a doctor and says 'Ray I have talked to Mr.Sen here and he is saying that you can leave if you allow him to check up on you once in a while and obviously me and Vienna are staying with you so no arguments. Now go and change!'.

I almost hold in the laugh I mean damn he sounded like a mother hen ! Anyway i nod as the doctor finally removes the wires and leaves with him. I place Arianna on the bed and say 'Aria I will just come in a few minutes okay angel ?' But she hugs me tighter and shakes her head 'No you are going to leave. Like everyone else' she mutters the last part almost making it inaudible but I hear it.

I break from the hug and tilt her chin upwards so she is looking at me as I say 'Arianna I will never ever leave you okay ? How can I live without my Angel hmm ? I am so sorry for scaring you like that princess but I promise that I will never do that again'. She looks at me with a little uncertainty and doubt then she says in a small voice 'Pinky promise ?'.

I smile at her, my cute Angel as I tangle my pinky finger with hers and say 'Pinky promise okay ?'. She nods then smiles a bit as she let's her hold on me go. I kiss her forehead as I make my way towards the changing room to change. Finally I am going home!

■■Time Skip■■

I stay there in half lying position whilst my angel sleeps peacefully with her face half buried in my tshirt. I kiss her forehead gently and stroke her hair.

It's actually funny how everything has changed since she has arrived in my life. The happiness which I am feeling now is kind of foreign. I mean I haven't felt this good...this happy since they left.

I felt like I would never be happy again but it feels like I was wrong...I am sure that they are somewhere out there watching us with a smile on their faces.

Maybe there is God out there...Maybe he sent my little angel I mean I still hate him for taking them away but by sending my little angel he gave me my happiness back.

So I guess I kind of have a truce with god ?! Anyways whichever energy is out there I just wanna thank it for ending their pain and giving me my little angel. Wow! I do sound strange I mean she has changed me so much that I am kind of talking to myself and justifying my actions to my self now...

I look down to see my little angel half awake and half asleep. She looks at me and whispers 'Daddy ?' Making me smile as I reply by saying 'yes Angel'.

She then gives me that sleepy smile of hers which I love alot and says 'I love you' as she snuggles closer to me. My grin widens when I hear her say this as I reply 'I love you too angel' and hold her closer to me. In that moment all I knew was how much she has changed me for the better.

I don't know when I fell asleep but all I know is that I had never felt happier than this moment in my entire life.

This was their new beginning, the one filled with happiness and smiles and laughter. Far away from there a group of 4 people watched them with smiles adorning their faces as slowly start fading away leaving nothing but just some memories behind.


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