Break in (2)

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F*** my head !! It hurts like hell ! Wait where am I ? I open my eyes to see I am tied to a chair in the living room. Shit!! The break in ! F***! how long was I out for ? Shit where is sia I just hope they haven't found her yet ! Dammit I need to get out of this goddamn chair ! Looks like I was only out for a few minutes.

I look at my hands tied in front of me. Ha! What an idiot! If he was going to break in he should have atleast done a research on me ! I easily open my hands by using one of the tricks I know. I mean I didin't just went and helped mafia because I had money! I have had some fair share of adventures on my own.

As soon as I get up I check for the gun which I was carrying to see it was gone. F*****! Must have taken it I swear if I just find him I sm going to kill the b******! Suddenly a laughter is heard followed by a masculine voice saying 'Wow I didin't knew that you still used those tricks'.

I freeze hearing this voice because of two reasons. First being I have heard this voice somewhere and second being it is awfully same as the one on the phone call. I turn around to see....Rick ? What the hell is he doing here ?!

Seeing my surprise he says 'Well looks like your brain is still working the same like it did all those years ago huh ?'. My mind starts processing everything as I just stand there shocked as realization dawns on me. It has been him all along! It's been this f*****!!

My shocked face turns into an angry one as I feel like beating the hell out of him. Seeing my reaction he says 'Well now tell me my dear friend after everything how does it feel huh ? Will the anger lessen by any extent if I say sorry right now ? Thats exactly how I felt when my babygirl died because of you ! f****** monster!'.

I feel like banging his head in the wall but I stop myself as I feel myself getting a bit curious. What does he mean by that? He chuckles darkly seeing my expression and says 'Wow I mean just wow my little sister killed herself for not getting her love which was you and here you are standing clueless ! Remember Diana ? My baby girl huh ? She loved you f***er ! I don't know why or how but she did ! And she was gonna tell you on the christmas of 2013 but oh well you f****** kissed Raine and made your relationship "official" !! She was in pieces after that and you know what she did huh ? She killed her damn self ! And you know what thats not it! My father also died because of you he was coming to her funeral when boom! He met with an accident! You ruined my life b****** ! I f***ing hate you !'

I stand their frozen again Diana killed herself?! I mean...I just knew that she had died after which he distanced himself from me and Ryker. Rick was our friend since middle school but he distanced himself from us and started hating us after his sister died.

That's one of the reasons me or Ryker never got to know about his father, his parents were actually a very nice and kind couple. But why would Diana kill herself and like I never gave her any hints or something infact to be honest I looked at her like I look at V. She was more of a sister to me.

But how the f*** is this my fault ? I never even knew about her feelings! I open my mouth to say this when suddenly he pulls out a gun and says 'You know why I am here? Reason is because you took something precious from me and now I am doing the same ! What do you call her huh ? Princess ? Uhh no what was it An- yes Angel! Now watch as your Angel goes to hell Raymond and then tell me how you feel!'.

As soon as he says this i move towards him but am held back by some people I try to break free but then suddenly I held back by the sound of whimpers. I stand still as I look at the lobby to see a guy holding Aria's hand roughly and bringing her out of the lobby.

That's all it takes as I quickly punch the guy standing behind me and kick the other, making them fall to the ground. Then I run towards Aria when suddenly BOOM!! A gunshot sound rings followed by intense pain in my lower abdomen. I bent down a bit  as the blood starts flowing out.

I can hear Rick laughing as Aria cries for me. At this point I knew that this wasn't going to end well so I press the emergency button. This causes the house alarm to go off I get up from my knees ignoring the pain cause all that matters is Arianna now.

I run towards the guy holding Aria, punching him in the gut and knocking him out cold by hitting the back of his neck as he bents forward in pain. I fall on my knees in front of her as I hug her with one arm trying to calm her down and pick the gun lying there from my other hand.

I slowly hide the gun behind my back making sure to keep it out of Rick's vision. I then turn towards Rick as he says 'Well..Well.. enough of the games now let's give you both a nice climax what do you say Angel ? ' this makes my blood boil. How the hell did he call her that ?!

I cock the gun as I make sure to bury Aria's face in my tshirt and cover her ear with my hand. I get ready to shoot as soon as he brings his gun up I shoot at his hand. He shouts in pain as the gun falls out from his hand. I then shoot him in his other hand, let's see how he shoots. My vision gets more blurry but I manage to shoot him in the leg and drop the gun after that.

In distance the sound of sirens are heard informing me that everyone is almost here. I feel the pain increasing as it becomes hard for me to stay awake but I still sit down with my back against the wall and with Aria on my lap as she cries.

I finally let the urge of closing my eyes win as I hear the elevator dings followed by Ryker's voice shouting my name. All the noise slowly starts to fade away as I fall deeper into darkness. The last thing I remember being Arianna's screams asking me to wake up...

*Readers throwing stuff at the author as she tries to speak*
'Sorry---pe-peop-le!! I pr-promise-it gets-ss better!!'
*Runs away while shouting 'please vote'*
Have a nice day and keep on reading

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