Does she deserve this shit she is dealing with ?

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I enter the Orphanage to find everyone in the compound. There was a stage set up in the front and there were some chairs facing it. The kids were playing in the playground just beside the stage.

I looked so out of place there I mean I swear on myself I am never going to get zoned off during a conversation. I slowly make my way towards the corner and stand there when my phone buzzes.

I am about to take it out when a women in mid forties approaches me with a smile. She says 'Hello you must be Mr.Moore?! Anna's (Vienna)brother ?'. I just nod and say in a professional tone 'Vienna wasnt available she sends her apologies'.

She then again gives me a smile and opens her mouth to say something when suddenly another women in her early 20's come and says 'Ma'am there's a problem. Arianna isin't in her room..'. I don't know why but when I heard this a wave of uncertainty and worry washes over me.

Before I could stop I find myself asking 'Arianna ?'. The lady whose name I didin't focus on says 'Yeah actually she is a young girl in our Orphanage she tends to stay away from parties and all she gets nervous. And I am sorry I have to end the conversation so abruptly but I have to go hope you enjoy your time here.'.

She gives me one last smile and quickly hurries away discussing matter with the young woman. I don't know why but I feel like I should have asked to help....wait why the hell am I going to help ? what is happening to me..

God this f*cking orphanage shit is messing me up!!

Things I do for An..

My phone buzzes again breaking my chain of thoughts or more like chain of curses. I check the message from David asking for some files.

A way out of here is the only thing I see right now..

So I approach the helper standing there asking about a quiet place to make a call and he points out to the backyard. I give him a nod of gratitude as I make my way towards the back.


Turns out the call ended by the time I reached the backyard. I look at the backyard it's actually good like the space is wisely used....nice designer.

There's a playground in the middle of it and a pathway all around it. Then 2 small sand pits beside the walk. Looks like this is the backyard Vienna designed. She is literally obsessed with kids.

I can hear from the main compound that the meeting or ceremony or whatever it's beginning. So I turn around to leave when suddenly I hear a sob followed by alot more. I turn around to see who it is and am shocked to see a 4 year old.

She is wearing a blue t-shirt and denim shorts. Her hair are in a ponytail making her look cute. I just stand there not knowing what to do as I see tears falling down her face.

God what the fuck is wrong with me why am I even here..

I try to leave again but I don't know why but it feels like something breaks inside me seeing her like this. And I get this feeling of protectiveness towards her. I don't even fucking know her but I don't know why I start making my way towards her.

It's like they are moving on there own accord. But I had barely moved 4 steps when I hear a door slam followed by chatter. I look at the little girl to see her quickly wiping her tears with a tissue and throwing it in the bin.

Then she gets up takes her teddy which was kept on the bench and throws it in the sand pit. Then she just stands there for a few secs and as soon as the lady arrives makes a frown on her face as if she was trying to find something.

What the heck is she doing?!

As soon as the lady sees her she hugs the girl and asks her where she was and what she was doing. To which the girl very wisely replies saying she left her teddy there. And points towards the one she just threw in the sand pit.

Oh my motherfu-

She quickly runs to it and then tells the lady that she can go. The caretaker very stupidly believes her and takes her hand as she guides her towards the door and they exit the backyard.

I just stand there stunned half absorbed in the shadows wondering what I just saw. I mean what the heck happened? What 4 yr old can hide the fact that she was crying so easily?! I mean Damn! I mean she is just 4 for goodness sake!

My phone buzzing brings me back to earth. I take it out to see an unknown number calling I just cut it. I was a bit too occupied with the thoughts of the little girl. I make my way back to the compound and take my seat in the corner.

My eyes automatically start scanning the area for her it's as if I need to see her again..I look at the area where the kids were playing to see that she was just sitting in the corner silently zoned off. A few minutes later a younger kid comes to her and asks her something to which she smiles and nods.

But the smile is fake it's not the real one which reaches her eyes. I have given alot of my own to know the difference. I look at her as she sits there pretending to play while in reality she is lost in some thought.

I wonder why she was so sad? I mean aren't kids supposed to be all rainbows and unicorns? Then why is she there faking smiles at such a young age? I mean does she deserve this shit she is dealing with?

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