Chapter 1

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14th Jan, 2022

The once shimmering dark brown eyes were now covered with dark circles, clearly evident with the colour of her skin. Her plump lips that always adored a smile were now chapped, forgetting to smile wholeheartedly over the years. The energy that bubbled within her was now replaced with slumped shoulders, her loose dress giving away her skinny figure. Standing infront of the mirror, Yusra could see an empty soul.

Never had she imaged her life to take such a drastic change. Losing her parents in the car accident has been the worst day of her life and she couldn't help but blame herself for it. If only she had listened to her mother and not forced them, then maybe they would have been alive today with her; not letting her go through what she was. But she knew she deserved it.

"YUSRA!" She heard her name being yelled, startling her before she hurriedly rushed down taking her bag to leave for work.

Rushing downstairs, she noticed her aunt and her family having their breakfast. She looked at her aunt who was fuming in anger making her bite her lip in nervousness.

After her parent's death, her paternal aunt had taken her in promising to look after her. Only if she knew her life would take a 180 degree turn, she would have never agreed but she knew she had no other choice.

"What did I tell you yesterday about the tea?" Her aunt questioned calmly, knowing the storm was about to pass her in no time. She glanced at her cup of tea before taking a glimpse of her aunt who sat with her brows raised challenging her to forget such an important thing. Guilty, she lowered her head not meeting any of the three pair of eyes that gazed her way.

"Are you planning to kill me too the way you killed your parents?" Her aunt threw her words harshly at her making her eyes to moisture.

The lady exactly knew what strings needed to be pulled!

"Mamma! You don't have to be so rude. She might have forgotten about your sugar, let me get you a new one." Yusra heard her cousin, Hana, taking a stand for her making her feel overwhelmed.

Hana was three years younger to Yusra but she was smart enough to not being like her parents.

"No, she will do it. She made the mistake so she will rectify it." Nodding her head, Yusra kept her sling bag on the table, before taking the cup of tea, giving an assuring smile to Hana who still had a glare on her face that was directed to her mother.

"If only you were obedient, your parents would have been alive today," She heard her uncle say making her stumble, "DAD!" Hana yelled banging the table while controlling the shivering of her hands, Yusra rushed into the kitchen to weep out her sorrow.

"I am sorry," She whispered glancing up the ceiling, hot pair of tears trailing down her cheeks when a hand wiped it off.

"It was not your mistake appi." Hana spoke engulfing Yusra in a hug while she stood rooted to her place letting the tears fall, her words having no effect on her.

"I don't understand why do you have to bear this every single day?" Breaking the hug, she questioned feeling herself rile up not at her parents but at the girl in front of her who looked broken.

"Why don't you fight back? Why don't you stand up for yourself?" Hana continuously questioned Yusra but she stood tight lipped, avoiding eye contact.

Hana stared at her; her heart bursting with emotions. With heavy heart she once again engulfed Yusra in a hug, heaving deeply.

"Don't do this to yourself. Don't let my parents break you. Run away from here, I will cover up for you. Just go away from here before things get worse." Hana whisper-yelled tightening her hold on Yusra, feeling her throat choke. Yusra slowly wrapped her arms around the little girl, giving her the comfort that she needed.

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