Chapter 2

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21st Jan, 2022

"MAMMA," Saim yelled loudly entering the living area before plopping himself onto the couch glancing around to find someone but when he heard no noise, he stood up to look for his mother. He walked to her room, knocking onto it while tapping his feet waiting for any of his parent to open the door but when even after a few second the door remained closed, he pushed open the door to find it empty.

Confused he looked around the room before making it into the kitchen to find his mother. With a frown, he dialed her number taking a bite of the apple that was kept on the kitchen counter.

"Assalamualaikum where are you?" He questioned his mouth full making his mother to chuckle, "Walaikumassalam, I am at the market with your chachi." She replied before the phone was snatched away from her.

"Assalamualaikum Saim! How are you beta? You are coming right, Maira will be there in an hour or two." She started talking while Saim all the while nodded his head hearing no single thing while heading towards his room.

"Uh, Chachi.." He trailed off trying to form some sentence but before he could speak she bet him up, "You are not coming are you?" Her voice held sadness and he could only sigh remembering Maira's face.

"I'm sorry," He apologized with a drained voice and he was glad when his aunt understood his situation, before handing the phone to his mother.

"Mamma I'll be leaving in half an hour and I'll be back by midnight probably, I just got back home to inform you." He said while listening to her instructions.

"Drive safe and keep a pair of your clothes in your car since you'll be going afar." She said while agreeing he ended the call not before she repeated all her words making him chuckle.

He messaged his brother and father about his departure before throwing his phone away on the bed and laying on his back, his hands crossed under his head.

He heard a notification on his phone, but he ignored it already not in the mood. He couldn't believe that they had grown up so much to not even be able to have family gatherings without something or the other popping up. He had already made up his mind that as soon as the conference was over he would join his family. Maira was visiting her place for the second time after her marriage yet he was unable to meet her, both the times.

He closed his eyes trying to let go off the things before sitting up straight. He looked at the time and stood up, wanting to freshen up before taking a sweatshirt and a jacket in case of emergency. He threw them in the backseat of his car, reciting the Dua before starting his car and pulling it onto the road when he heard the adhan for the Asr salah, immediately making him turn to the local masjid.

He parked his car in a secured place to avoid any hustle or block after the prayer before heading to make his wudu, greeting the men on his way. He met his friend from the neighbour at the entrance, the two talking their way inside. He prayed the Sunaah prayer along with his friend before they sat for a while to let the Imam start the prayer, and when they noticed everyone gathering, Saim walked in the middle with his friend. He kept his concentration onto the Salah, forgetting about everything.

As he finished his Salah, he raised his hands in the air to make Dua. Ofcource it included himself, his family and loved ones before he prayed for the ummah. And he was done with his Dua, he completed it with one last Dua that he needed the most at the moment,

"Let this conference happen without any hurdles."

He whispered Ameen and completed his Dua, getting up to see his friend almost standing. He smiled at him and stood up, asking his leave before rushing towards his car. He settled himself into the car whispering, "Let's get this done with."

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