Chapter 21

413 41 2

1st July, 2022

When life has only been nasty to you, you stop anticipating things and losing hope. But then everything abruptly shifts. All of this is changed by one person. You start to think that even at the end of the longest, darkest tunnel, there is still a glimmer of hope. When someone throws you down, there is a hand outstretched to lift you up in the most lovely way.

When she realised she was in love, nothing had changed, yet everything appeared to have changed. She found an explanation to connect it to him in every person and place she looked. She couldn't help but recall how he would follow his mother's orders as she turned to face his mother. The couch made her think of the times he would slouch on it; even the inanimate object made her think of him. Everything about her possessed a hint of his.

She could feel the proximity of the blush on her face, all throughout and she was glad that Zara wasn't there to tease her. Zara had disappeared when she was praying her Salah and after she had inquired she was informed that the sister was forced by her brother to accompany him, somewhere secret.

Yusra looked at the time while she waited for them to return, then she looked around at the people while tinkering with the ring that had been given to her. While she awaited the arrival of the siblings, everyone had finished their dinner.

Before returning to her own thoughts, she made a small amount of movement in her position to get comfortable. She grinned at the initials as she gazed down at the ring she had replaced on her left finger.

She found it difficult to accept that she had grown to love him.

"Can you guess who?" She slowly moved her hands upward as a hand covered her eyes, but when she heard Zara's voice, she smiled.

"Let me guess," "Rania?" Yusra asked while acting as though she was thinking while maintaining a constant smile. When she heard Zara chuckle, she inquired while laughing. In an attempt to remove them, she pressed against her hands, but all that happened was that they grew tighter.

Even with her eyes closed, Zara sung, "I love you, bhabhi," and she recognised her grin, but she sensed something different. "I love you too, Zara, but why do I sense something is off?" Yusra questioned her attempt to remove the palms.

"And what about me?" She froze as soon as she heard the voice, she least expected. Her hand clutched onto Zara's palm on her eyes, gulping.

She was speechless as she saw the hands move, which caused her to blink to acclimatise to the light. Zara was encircling her mother and standing directly in front of her when she caught her attention.

She turned around to look at Hana and Fariha standing with a grin plastered on their faces. Standing up she rushed to them, engulfing them both in a hug, burying her face in their shoulder feeling the tears roll down her eyes. She heard the two chuckle before wrapping their arms around her.

She pulled away, Hana wiping her tears.

"And here I thought that you are so happy that you forgot about us." Fariha mocked glaring at Yusra making her laugh.

"How did you'll get here?" Yusra asked looking between the two, while they pointed behind them making her gaze to fall onto the person, she loved.

And just when she thought she loved him the most, his deed made her love him even more.

She wanted to ask him some questions and express her gratitude to him for making the day special, but she was unable to speak. Instead, she clutched onto the girl's hand and smiled gratefully at him.

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