Chapter 11

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11th March, 2022

Saim looked right in front, to find Yusra sitting onto the bed with her head lowered. He looked around the room before taking a step forward. He appreciated her look, thanking the Almighty to have not given his mother any chance of questioning. 

Yusra heard the footstep approaching her and instantly stood up. She didn't knew what she was suppose to expect from her now husband, but her aunt had clearly warned her to bow down in front of her husband everytime, whether he was right or wrong and she didn't want to go against her.

Saim's entire attention rested onto the girl who stood in front of him, playing with her fingers while the bangles on her hand almost reached her palm, a little too big for her hands. He faked a cough trying to get her attention onto him but she seemed to have made her mind on not looking at him.

"Assalamualaikum," He greeted her softly not wanting to scare her with his deep voice and he was glad that while he had greeted her he had taken a step forward or he might have missed her reply. He called out to her, his last attempt to have her look at him but what he wasn't ready was the gasp that left her mouth.

Yusra gazed at Saim wide eyes, taking a step back in hurry almost stumbling onto her own feet, making Saim to take a step forward instinctly but when she managed to hold herself he let his hands down on his sides, already knowing what had happened.

He should have guessed it when Fariha had reacted the way she had downstairs that the two girls had no idea who the groom was. He felt himself getting frustrated at the situation making him run his hand through his hair.

"You-" Yusra tried speaking, but she didn't knew what she was supposed to be asking and looking at the agitation on his face, she feared speaking anything.

"Tell me you know that you married me," Saim asked more like pleaded to let it be true but when he noticed the colour of her face draining he knew his thoughts were proven right. He looked around wanting to bang his knuckles onto something to let his frustration out but he didn't want to scare the girl more than she already was. He calmed himself down before he remembered something, "And just so you know, I don't have any wife. You are my only wife."

Yusra didn't know what she was suppose to feel. If the situation was normal, she would have blushed at the claim that he had made but right now her mind was a fuss and all she could think was to ask him why he had married her.

"Why?" She uttered and Saim didn't need to be explained what she was trying to ask. He took deep breaths, calming himself down. "There was no other way I could see to get you out of the mess you were in. And I figured that you were getting married to their son so I proposed to marry you." He explained and she shook her head tears gathering in her eyes. She didn't want him to get involve in her mess. She was fighting her battle and she could do it without anyone's help.

"I know, I just made things worse. I got you out from one mess to only land you into another. Don't worry I will sort this out too. Just give me some time." He said his voice asking her to trust him. She looked at him, with her eyes full of tears and just as their eyes met she looked away wiping her tears, nodding her head that made him smile.

"Let's pray." He said and without any more queries she brought out the prayer mats that were kept.

She laid the prayer mat behind him and stood on it waiting for him, who was now in the washroom doing his ablution. Her eyes were fixed on the prayer mat ahead, thinking about the time she dreamed about this moment. She always wished for this to be her precious moment, but now as he stood in front of it she knew this marriage nor this moment meant anything to him. He had married her just for the sake of getting her out from the mess she was in. She prayed her Salah not thinking about anything but her Lord.

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