Chapter 20

371 33 3

23rd June, 2022

"She actually lives near our ancestral house, her mother used to like my father but he never cared and the history is repeating. She first started flirting with Saim bhai- and let me tell you bhai was-is the most popular, like real popular in girls for no reason. No wait- he does look pretty handsome but that doesn't mean everyone should linger around him, anyways yeah what was I saying, so Afreen, yeah, she started flirting with him but he didn't give heads to her so she went after Hasham bhai, I don't know what he said but he insulted her, badly, so she stopped talking to him and then she started hitting on Saad bhai. He would listen to her and not utter any word so she continued with it till now. Now she is back to Saim bhai. I don't know when it will be Naman bhai." Zara narrated the story to Yusra, eyeing Afreen the whole time while she sat quietly doing her work, her ears open at the information.

Yusra completed her work and looked up to find Afreen serving around juice, making her smile at her efforts but the smile vanished when she recollected what she had said previous day. Even though she had laughed it out, a small part of her ached thinking about it. She couldn't bring herself to look at Afreen in her shoes. Call it selfishness, but nor she wanted to imagine her as his wife neither the daughter-in-law of this house. The love and bond she shared with his family, all of it; she wanted it all to be hers.

But she knew she wouldn't be getting it all. A few days and she would be gone from this family. A few months, maybe, before, they would find a perfect match for him. And then all she would have would be memories. A thing that she would cherish with her whole heart.

She glanced around the place filled with love and laughter, happy to be a part of it. She glanced down at Erum's dress in her hand, that they were supposed to take to her place on her mehendi that was 2 days away. She couldn't believe how a month had passed in a blur. And it was nothing but filled with happiness. There were times she wanted to think about how she would go on after their divorce, but she was given no chance to do it. She was always surrounded by the people, who now had become a huge part of her life.

Her eyes moved around the room, once again, before it stopped onto Rania who was busy engrossed in packing Erum's sandals with the help of Ruhana who calmly instructed her. She gazed at her, the whole time with a soft smile, her failed attempts of putting the sandals through a few bags before tearing it and the smile turned into a grin when she noticed the happiness on her face for completing her work despite failures.

Yusra slow clapped when Rania looked at her, proudly showing her work before rushing over to her.

"Good job princess," Yusra said kissing Rania on her cheek while she chuckled, "My reward?" Rania asked while Yusra thought about it, a mischievous smile appearing on her face.

"Chocolates?" Yusra asked and Rania grinned widely nodding her head. Passing the bag to Zara, and informing her about being with Rania in the kitchen, she stood up holding Rania's hand allowing her to lead the way. She noticed the excitement in the girl's rush making her smile.

Entering the kitchen, Rania rushed towards the refrigerator waiting for Yusra who smiled opening it. She took out a few and asked her to give it to the other kids and come back to get hers. She looked around for Rania's favourite, unable to find them making her frown. Closing the refrigerator, she looked at the kitchen counter to find a few melted Cadbury bars before looking at Rania who rushed inside.

"Rania, they have melted. I'll keep them in the deep for a few minutes and then you can have it, okay?" Yusra asked making her sit on the kitchen counter but the girl shook her head, asking her to open it for her.

"I'll lick it." Rania said when asked how she would eat them making Yusra laugh. Opening it, she gave it to Rania, licking the chocolate from her fingers staring at Rania the whole time.

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