Chapter 12

413 23 4

18th March, 2022

Praying her Isha Salah and changing into a simpler outfit, Yusra walked down the stairs her eyes moving around the house. She could still hear the voices of his family but she couldn't see anyone in the living area. Her eyes moved to the kitchen, and she was sure that there were a few ladies in there. Just as she was about to make it in there, she was stopped by a little girl. She looked down to find a girl looking at her with a grin on her face. Smiling she lowered herself to her level, while the girl was quick enough to hug her taking her by surprise.

"Assalamualaikum, I am Rania." She heard the girl say as she pulled away and she was amazed to see the confident in a little girl, "Walaikumassalam Rania, I am Yusra." She said not knowing her relation with the little girl. She clearly remembered not seeing her before she had left for her room.

"I am your-" The little girl trailed off, calculating something on her hand while Yusra payed keen attention to her, waiting for her to speak looking around to find someone, "I don't know but our relations here are com-colicated-comcated-" She stuttered to pronounce the word making Yusra smile. She pulled the girl through her hand, wrapping her arm around her waist, "Complicated." Yusra completed making Rania to smile at her in delight.

"Yes it's that word because you know Saim bhai is my bhai also and my mamu also because my mother is his cousin sister but she married his mamu so she is his mumani also. So I don't know what I am suppose to call you. Mumani or appi?" She questioned and even though Yusra understood nothing from what the girl said she simply pretended to think before saying, "I don't know if you can call me appi but you can call me mumani or just by my name." Yusra replied making the girls to shake her head horrified.

"If I call you by your name, mamma will kill me," She whispered into Yusra's ear making Yusra to smile widely at the girl. She pushed her hairlocks behind her ear before standing up taking her hand in her hold, "How about you ask your mother what you call me?" She questioned and the girl nodded vigorously before running inside pulling Yusra with her.

Yusra came to a halt, making the girl to stop when she noticed the ladies inside the kitchen. Noticing her presence everyone smiled at her, while her eyes flickered over to a lady who was pregnant sitting at a stool. Rania pulled her hand away from Yusra making her look at her, finding her rush to the pregnant woman.

"Mamma what am I suppose to call Yusra?" Rania asked making Yusra to smile while the lady glared at her daughter, "Rania you are not suppose to call elders by their names." The lady schooled her making Rania to pout a little before she rushed to Yusra making her stumble.

"She told me to call her by her name but I said no. So tell me what am I suppose to call her!" Rania exclaimed making the ladies laugh while Yusra caressed her head smiling at the lady.

"Yusra let me introduce you to Ruhana. She is your mumani or you could call her appi, and Ruhana this is Saim's bride," Yusra heard her mother-in-law introduce making her smile at the lady. She greeted her while Ruhana grinned coming over to Yusra and engulfing her in a hug making Yusra to stiff. She pulled herself a little trying not to come in contact with her belly, scared of hurting her.

"Ya Allah! Sara see I told you she is just like you." She heard a lady yell before the hug was broken, "That's why Saim fell in love with her." She heard her mother-in-law making her flush in embarrassment. She felt guilty of lying to such people but she didn't know what she was suppose to say so instead she lowered her head while everyone hooted.

"Yusra, the kids are in the backyard. Go and join them." Sara spoke and she nodded her head before whispering, "Aunty but-" She was cut off by Sara, "Call me mum, ammi or mamma and no we don't need your help. Go and enjoy." She heard her say and suddenly she was filled with a feeling of overjoy. She gulped the lump in her throat before speaking, "Okay mum." Saying that she walked out Rania hot on her heels leaving her no time to dwell in tears.

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