Chapter 13

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25th March, 2022

More than a week had passed and everything was going perfectly. Since Saim was his mother's boy, his outfit and his things were always arranged by his mother and now with him being married the duty had shifted to Yusra. The first day, Sara had politely asked Yusra to help her with it to which Yusra had agreed. With each passing day, Yusra had started getting more involved into the family, now sharing a good bond with the entire family. She would help out Zara with her homework and Sara with the kitchen duties even though Sara would ask her not to. Zaim and Yusra would have a good talk over tea in the evening while Sara would listen to them. Yusra would wait up for the boys at night, and serve them food whenever they would be late from work while Saad would get Yusra and Zara chocolates or take them for drives.

Saim was happy with the way Yusra was getting along with his family but he knew sooner or later he had to face the situation in which he had married. He had to inform his mother about everything, before things could go out of his hand. He could see how his family was getting dependent upon Yusra just in a few days including him and as he sat with his family now discussing about Saad meeting the girl, he knew the more time he would take the more it would get difficult for him.

"Finally we are going to meet the girl tomorrow," Sara said smiling widely, while Saim smirked at his brother who was seated between Saim and Zara. Yusra walked in holding a tray that carried all their desired beverages. She sat the tray onto the table, before handing over the mugs to their respective owners. Saad gave her a pleading look making her glance at their mother who narrowed her eyes at Saad making her shrug her shoulder apologetically.

Saim glanced their way, his smirk widening but dropped as soon as Yusra walked over to him with his coffee. He gazed at her, who wouldn't look at him once. From the time of their marriage he had realised one thing, she would neither make eye contact nor look his way. He didn't understand why she would do that and just with him. He wanted to talk to her about it but he didn't want to make things complicated so he let it be. He still remember the second morning of their marriage when he had ordered her to shift to the bed while he would manage on the couch but she had apologized and denied saying that the couch was much more comfortable.

He looked at her as she made herself comfortable besides Zara, smiling at his sister. "Saim will you be joining us?" He heard his mother question making him turn to her and he did not miss the smirk on her face letting him know that he was caught staring at Yusra. Shaking his head he blew air at his hot coffee before taking a sip to only pull it away as it burned his tongue.

"Take it easy brother," He heard Zara making him glare at her. The four laughed loudly at his reaction while Yusra looked at him worriedly, unable to understand the reason behind the laugh. "Ask appi maybe she would want to come since she couldn't make it to Saim's nikaah." Zaim spoke and Sara nodded her head, taking out her phone to message in their family group. She knew that if it was in their hand, their entire family would be ready to meet the girl but she didn't want to overcrowd so she would rather have one family tag alone with them.

"Get done with your drinks quickly and head to bed, it's already past 12." Sara ordered and everyone nodded their head, Sara and Zaim getting up ready for bed, "Good night and do not forget your bedtime prayers." She said and everyone nodded, saying their wishes.

Yusra looked their way until they were out of sight, before turning to Zara who was busy with her phone. She glanced around the room to find the rest two busy with their phones too, so she quietly sat blowing air into her coffee. One by one everyone departed to their bed, Yusra and Zara being the last. Yusra washed the mugs despite Zara urging her to let her do it. The two discussed about tomorrow's plan before Zara retired to bed, not before hugging her sister-in-law.

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