Chapter 5

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7th Feb, 2022

Saim played with his food, lost in his own thoughts. It had been two days since his return from the conference and everyone could see the difference in Saim's mood. He would become angry within no seconds and always remain aloof. Sara was worried about her son and when she had inquired about it, he had simply brushed the topic off.

"Bhai, how about we go on a long drive today?" Zara questioned looking at the foul atmosphere. She had realised that there was something wrong with her brother and she had also questioned him about it but he was unwilling to share it with her so she had simply let him have his space.

"Fine with me." Saad said his eyes on Saim, who had his eyes darted on his plate while their parents looked at him with worry lines.

"Saim?" His father questioned Saad touching his shoulder, startling him. He looked around to see four pairs of eyes looking at him in worry making him sigh.

"I am fine, it's just work." He said even though he knew no one would believe him. After that he tried maintaining a conversation, but he knew better than anyone. His mind couldn't just get her out of it. Her face revolved around him and everytime he tried forgetting he just couldn't.

The night he came back, he knew he had made a mistake. He knew he should have waited and fought against the wrong, against her too but he left and that itself drew him to sleepless night.

"Saim, you are zoning out again," He heard his mother say making him groan and in that moment he wished he hadn't been there. If only he hadn't visited the café that night, he would have been spending quality time with his family with ease and happily but knowing her condition he just couldn't.

"Mamma, I'll take my leave." He said and without waiting for any questions, he left. He made his way towards his safe place, his office the only place that she didn't wander in his mind but maybe today he had no place that would let him breathe. With each passing day, it was getting difficult for him and he just couldn't understand what he was suppose to do.

He ran his hand through his hair in frustration when suddenly the door opened revealing his father and brother making him sigh. He saw them take a seat making him close his eyes. He knew he had to answer them right away, before his father looses his temper.

"Spill." His father spoke and he knew he could trust the two and just like that he told them everything. He could see the seriousness on his father's face, thinking about it.

"And you left?" He questioned while Saim nodded his head, guilty of himself.

"How could she do that to her? Let's file a case against her!" Saad exclaimed standing up and Saim shook his head knowing it was of no use.

"Okay, don't stress yourself about it. We will think about it as to what can we do and talk to your mother and sister. They are worried about you." Zaim said standing up followed by his son before speaking.

"And yes, tomorrow we are going to meet the girl that your mother has chosen for Saad."



The two brothers simultaneously spoke, glancing at each other before Saim burst out laughing making Saad to groan loudly while Zaim smiled looking at his son laugh.

"No dad, I had told mamma to wait for at least a year." He said slumbing on the chair while their father hid his smile, looking at his son's state and Saim only smirked at his brother.

If only he was not stressed out in this two days he would have taken part in teasing his brother for whom his mother was on a bride hunt. And he could see that it finally had stopped on a particular person.

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