Chapter 10

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4th March, 2022

Yusra stared at her reflection in the mirror. She was decked up in a traditional blood red dress, her hijab perfectly fixed on her head. Her face was covering her eyebags, with the minimal makeup her friend and cousin had worked upon her. But her eyes were hollow. She tried smiling; once, twice but nothing came from heart. The happiness that she had imagined of feeling on her big day wasn't there. All she felt was anxiety. She feared she might end up having a heart attack, for the enormous time her chest had been paining through the entire morning.

She glanced around the room, her luggage kept at a little distance. She had no idea what was going on, neither her cousin nor her friend. When she had asked Hana to figure out what she meant by leaving in two days, she had replied that it was what her mother had said to her.

Standing up, she walked to her wardrobe  opening it, to find it almost empty. There were certain things she had kept in them, for Hana. She pulled out the packet from the drawer, the money she had saved, glancing at it and keeping it back, making it a point to inform her to collect it while leaving. As she closed her wardrobe, she once again glanced took a look around the room, as though memorizing every corner of her safe place.

Her eyes stuck to her washroom room and she was suddenly aware of that one piece of cloth that hung behind. She walked inside, taking it in her hand. It was the same jacket she had received on the day of being thrown out. She neatly folded it, keeping it onto the bed to give it to Fariha to hand it back to him.

As she was looking around, the door of the room opened and in walked Hana and Fariha. She could see the frown lines on Fariha's face, making her furrow her brows. Fariha glanced over to Hana, who was now packing up her makeup kit, making Yusra to nod her head.

"Hana can I have a moment with Yusra, please?" Fariha requested and Hana glanced up at her through the mirror, nodding her head while giving a smile. She dumped all her things into the kit, aimlessly before walking out closing the door behind her.

"Something is wrong," Fariha stated and Yusra instantly stood up, her heartbeat already taking up pace, "What do you mean?" Yusra questioned taking a step forward and looking at her hyperventilating Fariha took hold of her shoulder making her sit before kneeling down.

"I haven't seen Baseer the whole time I have been here," Fariha spoke and Yusra nodded her head, the same thing going on in her mind. From what she knew, Baseer would always come up to her to talk to her even if his mother would warn him not to. "And I don't know, your aunt is giving me vibes that something is definitely up." She expressed making Yusra to flinch a little at the raise in her voice.

"Hana has no idea either," Fariha said before Yusra could open her mouth, that eventually shut her up. She played with her fingers gazing at her friend who now walked around the room before glancing at her bangles in her right hand before her eyes flickered over to her henna filled hands. She opened her palm to see her henna turned the darkest shade making her go down the memory lane which she didn't want to rememeber at the moment.

"Mamma look at your henna colour; it is so dark," Yusra yelled while her mother glanced at her hand before chuckling, "Yeah that's because I love your mother the most." Her father came into the room grinning widely sitting down next to his wife, who elbowed him.

"Does that mean my husband won't love me?" She questioned looking at the orange shade of henna on her hand. She looked up at her parents, her eyes burning with tears. Noticing her mother calling her she walked towards her before taking a seat, leaning into her father for his warmth who eventually circled his arm around her.

"It's orange because you are still a child. Even my henna didn't had this shade before I got married," Her mother shades showing her palm while she listened carefully to her mother, " The day when you will find someone who loves you; from that day your henna will also turn the same shade as your mother or maybe a little more darker because you are more loveable then your mother." Her father said kissing her hair making her giggle. She turned around wrapping her arms around her father, happy about the information, already waiting for the day she would find the love of her life.

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